
Aims of appraisal

4.—(1) Appraising bodies shall secure that appraisal assists —

(a)school teachers in their professional development and career planning; and

(b)those responsible for taking decisions about the management of school teachers.

(2) In carrying out their duty under Regulation 3, appraising bodies shall aim to improve the quality of education for pupils, through assisting school teachers to realise their potential and to carry out their duties more effectively.

(3) Appraisal procedures shall in particular aim to —

(a)recognise the achievements of school teachers and help them to identify ways of improving their skills and performance;

(b)help school teachers, governing bodies and local education authorities (as the case may be) to determine whether a change of duties would help the professional development of school teachers and improve their career prospects;

(c)identify the potential of teachers for career development, with the aim of helping them, where possible, through appropriate in-service training;

(d)help school teachers having difficulties with their performance, through appropriate guidance, counselling and training;

(e)inform those responsible for providing references for school teachers in relation to appointments;

(f)improve the management of schools.

(4) Appraisal procedures shall not form part of any disciplinary or dismissal procedures, but appraisal statements may be used for the purposes specified in Regulation 14.