


13.—(1) On the recommendation of the recommending body the Assembly may grant an authorisation to teach to the person named in that recommendation.

(2) A recommendation for an authorisation shall contain such particulars as the Assembly may determine and shall also contain the particulars set out in sub-paragraphs (3) to (6).

(3) It shall contain a statement by the recommending body that the person named in the recommendation—

(a)is in its opinion a suitable person to be a teacher at a school;

(b)(i)has successfully completed a programme of professional training for teachers in any country outside the United Kingdom and which is recognised as such a programme of training by the competent authority in that country, or

(ii)will have attained the age of 24 years by the date on which it is proposed he shall take up employment as a registered teacher and has successfully completed—

(aa)not less than two years' full-time higher education in England or Wales, or

(bb)comparable education either full-time or part-time whether in England or Wales or elsewhere;

(c)has attained in English and mathematics the standard required to obtain Grade C in the General Certificate of Secondary Education;

(d)where the person was born on or after 1st December 1979 and during his period of authorisation it is intended that he will teach pupils aged below 11 years, has attained in a single science subject or in a combined science subject the standard required to obtain Grade C in the General Certificate of Secondary Education; and

(e)has been accepted onto a programme of study leading to the award of a first degree or equivalent qualification.

(4) It shall contain particulars of the training that is proposed to be given to the person named in the recom-mendation and the length of the proposed period of training.

(5) It shall contain particulars of the school or schools at which the person named in the application is to be or may be employed (which may not, in accordance with paragraph 12(2), include a pupil referral unit).

(6) It shall contain the name of the institution or body who will be the person’s employer.