The Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products and Energy Information Regulations 2021

Forced menu and set-up menus

4.—(1) Electronic displays may be placed on the market with a forced menu on initial activation offering alternative settings.

(2) Where a forced menu is provided, the normal configuration must be set as default choice; if there is no forced menu, the normal configuration must be the default setting.

(3) If the user selects a configuration other than the normal configuration and this configuration results in a higher power demand than the normal configuration, a warning message about the likely increase in energy use must appear and confirmation of the action must be explicitly requested.

(4) If the user selects a setting other than those that are part of the normal configuration and this setting results in a higher energy consumption than the normal configuration, a warning message about the likely increase in energy consumption must appear and confirmation of the action must explicitly requested.

(5) A change by the user in a single parameter in any setting must not trigger any change in any other energy-relevant parameter, unless unavoidable. In such a case a warning message must appear about the change of other parameters and the confirmation of the change must be explicitly requested.