

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends sections 42 and 46 of, and Part 2 of Schedule 3B to, the Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 (c. 14 (N.I.)) (‘the 1962 Act’) to create two new exclusions relating to election expenses incurred by candidates in local elections in Northern Ireland and also to amend the requirements for the election expenses returns of such candidates.

Subsections 42(1ZA) and (1ZB) of the 1962 Act impose a limit on the amount of election expenses that can be incurred by or on behalf of a candidate at a local election. Article 2 amends section 42 to exclude the candidate’s personal expenses, which are defined in section 130(1) of the 1962 Act, from this limit.

Section 46 of the 1962 Act sets out the requirements for election expenses returns. Article 3 amends section 46 to require that returns include a statement of the amount of the part of the candidate’s election expenses consisting of the candidate’s personal expenses.

Part 2 of Schedule 3B to the 1962 Act sets out a list of matters which are “excluded” from being “election expenses” within the meaning of section 52A of the 1962 Act. Article 4 amends Part 2 of Schedule 3B so that reasonable expenditure by or on behalf of a disabled candidate that is reasonably attributable to the candidate’s disability is included in the list of excluded matters.

A full impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as no, or no significant, impact on the private, voluntary or public sectors is foreseen.