The Official Controls (Animals, Feed and Food) (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019

Statutory Instruments

2019 No. 272

Exiting The European Union, Northern Ireland

Animals, Northern Ireland

The Official Controls (Animals, Feed and Food) (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019

Sift requirements satisfied

10th December 2018


16th January 2019

Laid before Parliament

18th February 2019

Coming into force in accordance with regulation 1

The Secretary of State makes these Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by section 8(1) of, and paragraph 21(b) of Schedule 7 to, the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018(1).

The requirements of paragraph 3(2) of Schedule 7 to the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (relating to the appropriate Parliamentary procedure for these Regulations) have been satisfied.

Citation, commencement and extent

1.—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Official Controls (Animals, Feed and Food) (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 and come into force on exit day.

(2) These Regulations extend to Northern Ireland only.

Amendments to the Official Controls (Animals, Feed and Food) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007

2.—(1) The Official Controls (Animals, Feed and Food) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007(2) are amended as follows.

(2) In regulation 4, omit “and other member States”.

(3) In Part III, in the heading, omit “COMMUNITY”.

(4) In regulation 6—

(a)for the heading, substitute “Experts involved in controls”;

(b)in the opening paragraph, omit “to be carried out by Commission experts pursuant to Article 45”.

(5) Omit regulation 7.

(6) In regulation 12(1)(c), omit “or 7”.

Gardiner of Kimble

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

16th January 2019


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations are made in exercise of the powers conferred by section 8(1) of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (c.16) in order to address failures of retained EU law to operate effectively and other deficiencies (in particular under paragraphs (a), (d) and (g) of section 8(2)) arising from the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union.

These Regulations make amendments to the Official Controls (Animals, Feed and Food) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007.

An impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as no, or no significant, impact on the private or voluntary sector is foreseen.