The Wireless Telegraphy (Licence Award) Regulations 2018

Determination of a bidder’s eligibility limit

50.—(1) A bidder’s eligibility limit shall be the number determined by OFCOM—

(a)for the first principal stage round, in accordance with regulation 18; and

(b)for the second and each subsequent principal stage round, in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3).

(2) In relation to the second and each subsequent principal stage round, the bidder’s eligibility limit shall be equal to the number of eligibility points used by the bidder in the most recent round, except where an eligibility event occurred in the most recent round.

(3) In relation to each principal stage round where an eligibility event occurred in the most recent round, the bidder’s eligibility limit shall be the same as its eligibility limit for the most recent round.