
PART 6The principal stage

CHAPTER 5Eligibility

Eligibility rule

49.—(1) The number of eligibility points used by a bidder in a principal stage round, calculated in accordance with regulation 51, may not exceed that bidder’s eligibility limit for that round, calculated in accordance with regulation 50.

(2) In this Chapter, a round in relation to which the number of eligibility points used is calculated is referred to as the “current round”.

Determination of a bidder’s eligibility limit

50.—(1) A bidder’s eligibility limit shall be the number determined by OFCOM—

(a)for the first principal stage round, in accordance with regulation 18; and

(b)for the second and each subsequent principal stage round, in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3).

(2) In relation to the second and each subsequent principal stage round, the bidder’s eligibility limit shall be equal to the number of eligibility points used by the bidder in the most recent round, except where an eligibility event occurred in the most recent round.

(3) In relation to each principal stage round where an eligibility event occurred in the most recent round, the bidder’s eligibility limit shall be the same as its eligibility limit for the most recent round.

Eligibility points used by a bidder

51.—(1) The number of eligibility points used by a bidder in the current round shall be the number equal to the sum of the 2.3 GHz number calculated in accordance with paragraph (2) and the 3.4 GHz number calculated in accordance with paragraph (3).

(2) The 2.3 GHz number referred to in paragraph (1) is—

(a)where the bidder has specified a number of principal stage bids for 2.3 GHz lots in the current round, the number of bids for 2.3 GHz lots in that round specified on that bidder’s principal stage form, multiplied by four;

(b)where the bidder has not specified any principal stage bids for 2.3 GHz lots in the current round, the number of bids for 2.3 GHz lots made by that bidder to which OFCOM assigned standing high bid status after the end of the most recent round and in respect of which the standing high bid status is not withdrawn by the bidder in the current round, multiplied by four; and

(c)where the bidder has not specified any principal stage bids for 2.3 GHz lots in the current round and OFCOM did not assign standing high bid status after the end of the most recent round to any bids for 2.3 GHz lots made by that bidder, zero.

(3) The 3.4 GHz number referred to in paragraph (1) is—

(a)where the bidder has specified a number of principal stage bids for 3.4 GHz lots in the current round, the number of bids for 3.4 GHz lots in that round specified on that bidder’s principal stage form;

(b)where the bidder has not specified any principal stage bids for 3.4 GHz lots in the current round, the number of principal stage bids for 3.4 GHz lots made by that bidder to which OFCOM assigned standing high bid status after the end of the most recent round and in respect of which the standing high bid status is not withdrawn by the bidder in the current round; and

(c)where the bidder has not specified any principal stage bids for 3.4 GHz lots in the current round and OFCOM did not assign standing high bid status after the end of the most recent round to any bids for 3.4 GHz lots made by that bidder, zero.

Eligibility event

52.—(1) An eligibility event has occurred in a round where—

(a)a bidder indicated a valid request to carry forward its eligibility limit in the most recent round on its principal stage form; or

(b)the conditions set out in paragraph (2) apply.

(2) The conditions are that—

(a)the bidder did not, in the most recent round, submit a valid principal stage form;

(b)the number of eligibility points used by the bidder in relation to the bidder’s principal stage bids to which OFCOM assigned standing high bid status after the end of the previous round is lower than the bidder’s eligibility limit for the most recent round; and

(c)the limit on the number of eligibility events set out in paragraph (3) is not met.

(3) For each bidder, an eligibility event may not occur on more than three occasions.

(4) After the end of each principal stage round, except after the end of the final principal stage round, OFCOM will notify each bidder of the remaining number of occasions on which an eligibility event may occur in respect of that bidder.