

PART 1Installations stationed at the time the Order is made

(1) Name or other designation of the offshore installation

(2) Latitude

(3) Longitude

Andrew T1 Structure, Block 22/9, Andrew Field57°42.667’N01°43.466’E
Banff T5 Structure, Block 22/27a, Banff Field57°01.752’N01°12.124’E
Buzzard Gas Export PLEM, Block 13/30c, Buzzard Field58°03.793’N01°02.013’W
Buzzard Oil Export PLEM, Block 20/11, Buzzard Field57°33.961’N00°53.716’W
ETAP T2 Structure, Block 22/18a, ETAP Field57°21.983’N01°28.119’E
Europa (EZ), Block 49/22, Europa Field53°14.824’N02°17.743’E
Ganymede (ZD), Block 49/22, Ganymede Field53°19.439’N02°14.199’E
Judy T6 Structure, Block 29/12, Judy Field56°39.793’N01°12.112’E
LOGGS Complex PA, Block 49/16, LOGGS Field53°23.399’N02°00.135’E
LOGGS Complex PC, Block 49/16, LOGGS Field53°23.379’N02°00.185’E
LOGGS Complex PP, Block 49/16, LOGGS Field53°23.354’N02°00.228’E
LOGGS Complex PR, Block 49/16, LOGGS Field53°23.330’N02°00.266’E
LOGGS North Valiant PD, Block 49/16, LOGGS Field53°23.369’N02°00.277’E
Mimas (MN), Block 48/9a, Mimas Field53°45.729’N01°42.282’E
North Valiant (SP), Block 49/16, North Valiant Field53°21.377’N02°02.315’E
Saturn (ND), Block 48/10b, Saturn Field53°43.460’N01°53.733’E
South Valiant (TD), Block 49/21, South Valiant Field53°19.055’N02°05.664’E
Tethys (TN), Block 49/11b, Tethys Field53°39.007’N02°03.370’E
Vampire/Valkyrie (OD), Block 49/16, Vampire/Valkyrie Field53°27.900’N02°02.472’E
Vanguard (QD), Block 49/16, Vanguard Field53°22.652’N02°06.616’E
Victor JD, Block 49/22, Viking Field53°19.641’N02°21.739’E
Viking AR, Block 49/12, Viking Field53°32.006’N02°15.285’E
Viking Bravo Complex BA, Block 49/17, Viking Field53°26.908’N02°19.772’E
Viking Bravo Complex BC, Block 49/17, Viking Field53°26.874’N02°19.854’E
Viking Bravo Complex BD, Block 49/17, Viking Field53°26.802’N02°19.906’E
Viking Bravo Complex BP, Block 49/17, Viking Field53°26.837’N02°19.881’E
Viking CD, Block 49/17, Viking Field53°25.396’N02°22.522’E
Viking DD, Block 49/17, Viking Field53°26.469’N02°23.628’E
Viking ED, Block 49/16, Viking Field53°25.986’N02°09.190’E
Viking GD, Block 49/17, Viking Field53°26.851’N02°15.291’E
Viking HD, Block 49/17, Viking Field53°29.797’N02°19.462’E
Viking KD, Block 49/12a, Viking Field53°31.687’N02°13.303’E
Viking LD, Block 49/17, Viking Field53°28.494’N02°13.819’E
Viscount (VO), Block 49/16, Viscount Field53°23.167’N02°08.910’E
Vulcan (RD), Block 49/21, Vulcan Field53°14.822’N02°01.387’E
Vulcan (UR), Block 48/25b, Vulcan Field53°15.437’N01°58.216’E