The Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (England) Regulations 2018

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1

    1. 1.Citation, commencement, extent and application

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 3.Appointment of competent authority

    4. 4.Exception for research

  3. PART 2 TSE

    1. 5.The TSE requirements

    2. 6.Application of the Schedules

  4. PART 3

    1. 7.Approvals, authorisations, licences and registrations

    2. 8.Occupier’s duty

    3. 9.Suspension and amendment

    4. 10.Revocations of approvals, authorisations, licences and registrations

    5. 11.Appeals

    6. 12.Valuations

    7. 13.Appointment and authorisation of inspectors

    8. 14.Powers of entry

    9. 15.Powers of inspectors

    10. 16.Notices

    11. 17.Notices restricting movement

    12. 18.Offences and penalties

    13. 19.Corporate responsibility

    14. 20.Enforcement

    15. 21.Consequential amendments

    16. 22.Revocations

    17. 23.Transitional provisions

    18. 24.Review

  5. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      The TSE requirements

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Monitoring for TSE

      1. 1.Delivery of the body of a bovine animal for the purpose of monitoring

      2. 2.Approved sampling site

      3. 3.Destruction without sampling

      4. 4.Retention of carcases of bovine animals pending test results

      5. 5.Remote Areas

      6. 6.Brain stem sampling of bovine animals at slaughterhouse

      7. 7.Retention of products and disposal

      8. 8.Brain stem sampling of ovine animals

      9. 9.Approval of TSE testing laboratories

      10. 10.Compensation payable to person responsible for slaughter

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Control of TSE in bovine animals

      1. 1.Restriction on movements pending results of TSE testing

      2. 2.Identification of cohorts and offspring

      3. 3.Action following confirmation of TSE

      4. 4.Death while under restriction

      5. 5.Prohibitions from placing on the market

      6. 6.Consignment and slaughter of an over-age bovine animal

      7. 7.Compensation

      8. 8.Exceptions

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Control of TSE in ovine or caprine animals

      1. 1.Restriction of a notified ovine or caprine animal

      2. 2.Movement restrictions

      3. 3.Killing all ovines and caprines on a holding when BSE is suspected

      4. 4.Killing of a suspect ovine or caprine animal in other circumstances

      5. 5.Confirmation of atypical scrapie in an ovine or caprine animal

      6. 6.No action to kill or destroy until appeal determined or withdrawn

      7. 7.Infected animals from another holding

      8. 8.Common grazing

      9. 9.Multiple flocks or herds on a holding

      10. 10.Change of occupier

      11. 11.Death while under restriction

      12. 12.Compensation for an ovine or caprine animal killed as a suspect animal or on confirmation of any TSE

      13. 13.Compensation for milk and milk products compulsorily destroyed

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Control of TSE in animals that are not bovine, ovine or caprine

      1. 1.Restriction on a notified animal

      2. 2.Killing of a suspect animal

      3. 3.Compensation

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Unlawful feedingstuffs

      1. 1.Killing of animals that have had access to unlawful feedingstuffs

      2. 2.Compensation

      3. 3.Restriction and disposal of unlawful feedingstuffs

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Specified risk material, mechanically separated meat and slaughtering techniques

      1. 1.The Food Standards Agency as the competent authority

      2. 2.Removal of specified risk material

      3. 3.Bovine animals in a slaughterhouse

      4. 4.Ovine and caprine animals in a slaughterhouse

      5. 5.Bovine, ovine and caprine animals in other places of slaughter

      6. 6.Young ovine and caprine stamps

      7. 7.Removal of spinal cord from ovine and caprine animals

      8. 8.Authorisation of cutting plants by the Agency

      9. 9.Removal of specified risk material at a cutting plant authorised under paragraph 8(1)

      10. 10.Carcases from an EU member State

      11. 11.Staining and disposal of specified risk material

      12. 12.Security of specified risk material

      13. 13.Prohibition on the sale, supply or possession for sale or supply of specified risk material for human consumption

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Restrictions on placing on the market and export

      1. 1.A person must not place on the market or export...

      2. 2.The prohibition in paragraph 1 does not apply to the...

      3. 3.A person must not place on the market or export...

      4. 4.A bovine animal is deemed to have been born or...

    9. SCHEDULE 9


  6. Explanatory Note