
Application to vary or discharge a freezing order

4.—(1) An application to vary or discharge a freezing order must specify—

(a)the reason why the person applying for variation or discharge believes the court should vary or discharge the order; and

(b)if the application is to vary the order, the variation which is sought.

(2) A copy of the application must be given by the court to every person, other than the person making the application, to whom notice was given under rule 3(3)(c).

(3) Notice of the date of any hearing must be given by the court to every person to whom notice was given under rule 3(3)(c).

(4) If the order is varied or discharged—

(a)notice of the variation and a copy of the order; or

(b)notice of the discharge of the order,

as the case may be, must be given by the court to every person to whom notice was given under rule 3(3)(c).