
PART 6General provisions

Rights and obligations under these Regulations

30.—(1) A declaration by an organiser of a package or a trader facilitating a linked travel arrangement that—

(a)the organiser or trader is acting exclusively as a travel service provider, as an intermediary or in any other capacity, or

(b)a package or a linked travel arrangement does not constitute a package or a linked travel arrangement,

does not absolve that organiser or trader from the obligations imposed upon them under these Regulations.

(2) A traveller may not waive any right granted to the traveller by these Regulations.

(3) Any contractual arrangement or any statement by the traveller which—

(a)directly or indirectly waives or restricts the rights conferred on travellers pursuant to these Regulations, or

(b)aims to circumvent the application of these Regulations,

is not binding on the traveller.