The Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme Regulations 2018

Power to correct the level of tariff being paid to a participant

This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

82.—(1) Where periodic support payments are being paid to a participant in accordance with a guaranteed tariff, if the Authority is satisfied that the information upon which the tariff guarantee was based was incorrect in a material particular it may—

(a)revoke accreditation for the accredited RHI installation or registration for a participant who is a producer of biomethane for injection; or

(b)reduce the level of periodic support payments to the level which would have applied had the tariff guarantee not been granted.

(2) Before revoking an accreditation or registration or reducing the level of periodic support payments under this regulation, the Authority must send a notice to the participant specifying, as applicable—

(a)the reason for the intended revocation including details of the respect in which the information upon which the tariff guarantee was based was incorrect;

(b)an explanation of the effect of the revocation;

(c)the level to which the participant’s future periodic support payments will be reduced;

(d)the basis on which those payments are calculated; and

(e)details of the participant’s right of review.