The Silvertown Tunnel Order 2018

Removal, etc. of the PLA’s moorings and buoys

41.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), if by reason of the construction of any specified work or the exercise of any specified function it is reasonably necessary for the PLA to incur the cost of—

(a)temporarily or permanently altering, removing, re-siting, repositioning or reinstating existing moorings or aids to navigation (including navigation marks or lights) owned by the PLA;

(b)laying down and removing substituted moorings or buoys; or

(c)carrying out dredging operations for any such purpose,

not being costs which it would have incurred for any other reason, TfL must pay the costs reasonably so incurred by the PLA.

(2) The PLA must give to TfL not less than 20 business days’ notice of its intention to incur such costs, and take into account any representations which TfL may make in response to the notice within 10 business days of the receipt of the notice.