The Scotland Act 2016 and Onshore Petroleum (Consequential, Transitional and Saving Provisions and Model Clauses) Regulations 2018


This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

6.—(1) If at any time any dispute, difference or question arises between the licensee and the Secretary of State or the OGA as to any matter arising under or by virtue of these clauses or as to their respective rights and liabilities in respect thereof then the same may, except where it is expressly provided by these clauses that the matter or thing to which the same relates is to be determined, decided, directed, approved or consented to by the Secretary of State, be referred to arbitration as provided by paragraph (2).

(2) The arbitration referred to in the foregoing paragraph must be by a single arbiter who, in default of agreement between the Secretary of State or the OGA and the Licensee as to the appointment, must be appointed by the Lord President of the Court of Session.