
PART 2The National Framework

The NIS national strategy

2.—(1) A Minister of the Crown must designate and publish a strategy to provide strategic objectives and priorities on the security of network and information systems in the United Kingdom (“the NIS national strategy”).

(2) The strategic objectives and priorities set out in the NIS national strategy must be aimed at achieving and maintaining a high level of security of network and information systems in—

(a)the sectors specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 (“the relevant sectors”); and

(b)digital services.

(3) The NIS national strategy may be published in such form and manner as the Minister considers appropriate.

(4) The NIS national strategy may be reviewed by the Minister at any time and, if it is revised following such a review, the Minister must designate and publish a revised NIS national strategy as soon as reasonably practicable following that review.

(5) The NIS national strategy must, in particular, address the following matters—

(a)the regulatory measures and enforcement framework to secure the objectives and priorities of the strategy;

(b)the roles and responsibilities of the key persons responsible for implementing the strategy;

(c)the measures relating to preparedness, response and recovery, including cooperation between public and private sectors;

(d)education, awareness-raising and training programmes relating to the strategy;

(e)research and development plans relating to the strategy;

(f)a risk assessment plan identifying any risks; and

(g)a list of the persons involved in the implementation of the strategy.

(6) The Minister must communicate the NIS national strategy, including any revised NIS national strategy, to the Commission within three months after the date on which the strategy is designated under paragraph (1).

(7) Before publishing the NIS national strategy or communicating it to the Commission, the Minister may redact any part of it which relates to national security.

(8) In this regulation “a Minister of the Crown” has the same meaning as in section 8(1) of the Ministers of the Crown Act 1975(1).