The Education Administration Rules 2018

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Introductory provisions

    1. 1.1.Citation and commencement

    2. 1.2.Application

    3. 1.3.Interpretation

    4. 1.4.Punishment of Offences

    5. 1.5.Review


    1. 2.1.Commencement of education administration proceedings

    2. 2.2.Form of application

    3. 2.3.Contents of application and witness statement

    4. 2.4.Filing of application

    5. 2.5.Service of application

    6. 2.6.Notice to enforcement agents charged with distress or other legal process, etc.

    7. 2.7.Manner in which service to be effected

    8. 2.8.Proof of service

    9. 2.9.The hearing

    10. 2.10.The order

    11. 2.11.Notice of education administration order


    1. CHAPTER 1 Notice of education administrator’s appointment

      1. 3.1.Notification and advertisement of education administrator’s appointment

    2. CHAPTER 2 Statement of affairs

      1. 3.2.Notice requiring statement of affairs and delivery to the education administrator

      2. 3.3.Content of statement of affairs

      3. 3.4.Statement of concurrence

      4. 3.5.Filing of statement of affairs

      5. 3.6.Release from requirement to provide statement of affairs and extension of time

      6. 3.7.Expenses of statement of affairs

    3. CHAPTER 3 Education administrator’s proposals

      1. 3.8.Education administrator’s proposals - additional content

      2. 3.9.Statement of pre-administration costs

      3. 3.10.Ancillary provisions about delivery of education administrator’s proposals

      4. 3.11.Revision of education administrator’s proposals

    4. CHAPTER 4 Education Administrator’s reports

      1. 3.12.Reporting by the education administrator

      2. 3.13.Progress reports

      3. 3.14.Contents of progress reports

      4. 3.15.Final progress report

      5. 3.16.Information about pre-administration costs

    5. CHAPTER 5 Further education body: meetings of members

      1. 3.17.Application of this Chapter

      2. 3.18.Meetings of the further education body

      3. 3.19.Nature of meetings

      4. 3.20.Remote attendance: notification requirements

      5. 3.21.Location of meetings

      6. 3.22.Chair of the meeting

      7. 3.23.Action where person is excluded

      8. 3.24.Indication to excluded person

      9. 3.25.Complaint

    6. CHAPTER 6 Creditors’ decisions

      1. 3.26.Application of this Chapter 6

      2. 3.27.Creditors’ decisions

      3. 3.28.Creditors’ decisions for the nomination of alternative liquidator

      4. 3.29.Decision making

    7. CHAPTER 7 Limited disclosure of statements of affairs and proposals

      1. 3.30.Application of Chapter 7

      2. 3.31.Orders limiting disclosure of statement of affairs etc

      3. 3.32.Order for disclosure

      4. 3.33.Rescission or amendment of order for limited disclosure

      5. 3.34.Publication etc. of statement of affairs and statement of proposals

    8. CHAPTER 8 Disposal of Charged Property

      1. 3.35.Disposal of charged property

    9. CHAPTER 9 Expenses of the Education Administration

      1. 3.36.Expenses

      2. 3.37.Order of priority

    10. CHAPTER 10 Ending of education administration

      1. 3.38.Application for an order ending education administration

      2. 3.39.Notification of application for an order ending education administration

      3. 3.40.Notice of court order ending education administration

      4. 3.41.Moving from education administration to creditors’ voluntary winding up

      5. 3.42.Moving from education administration to dissolution


    1. CHAPTER 1 General

      1. 4.1.Court rules and practice to apply

      2. 4.2.Performance of functions by the Court

    2. CHAPTER 2 Making applications to court

      1. 4.3.Preliminary

      2. 4.4.Form and content of applications

      3. 4.5.Filing of applications

      4. 4.6.Fixing the venue

      5. 4.7.Service or delivery of an application

      6. 4.8.Hearing in urgent case

      7. 4.9.Directions

      8. 4.10.Hearings and determination without notice

      9. 4.11.Adjournment of the hearing of an application

      10. 4.12.Application under section 176A(5) to disapply section 176A

      11. 4.13.Notice of an application under section 176A(5)

      12. 4.14.Notice of an order under section 176A(5)

      13. 4.15.Contents of application to the court under section 236 of the Act

      14. 4.16.Order for examination etc

      15. 4.17.Procedure for examination

      16. 4.18.Record of examination

      17. 4.19.Costs of proceedings under section 236 of the Act

      18. 4.20.Further information and disclosure

      19. 4.21.Witness statements and reports

      20. 4.22.Evidence provided by the education administrator

    3. CHAPTER 3 Transfer of Proceedings

      1. 4.23.Applications for transfer

      2. 4.24.Procedure following order for transfer

    4. CHAPTER 4 Court file

      1. 4.25.Court file

      2. 4.26.Office copies of documents

    5. CHAPTER 5 Costs

      1. 4.27.Application of Chapter and interpretation

      2. 4.28.Requirement to assess costs by the detailed procedure

      3. 4.29.Procedure where detailed assessment is required

      4. 4.30.Costs paid otherwise than out of the assets of the further education body

      5. 4.31.Award of costs against the education administrator

      6. 4.32.Applications for costs

      7. 4.33.Costs and expenses of witnesses

      8. 4.34.Final costs certificate

    6. CHAPTER 6 Enforcement procedures

      1. 4.35.Orders enforcing compliance

      2. 4.36.Warrants under section 236

    7. CHAPTER 7 Appeals in education administration

      1. 4.37.Application of CPR

      2. 4.38.Appeals and reviews of in education administration proceedings

      3. 4.39.Procedure on appeal

    8. CHAPTER 8 Court orders, formal defects and shorthand writers

      1. 4.40.Court orders

      2. 4.41.Formal defects

      3. 4.42.Shorthand writers


    1. CHAPTER 1 Interpretation

      1. 5.1.Interpretation

    2. CHAPTER 2 Creditors’ claims in education administration

      1. 5.2.Provable debts

      2. 5.3.Proving a debt

      3. 5.4.Requirements for proof

      4. 5.5.Costs of proving

      5. 5.6.Allowing inspection of proofs

      6. 5.7.Admission and rejection of proofs for dividend

      7. 5.8.Appeal against decision on proof

      8. 5.9.Education administrator not liable for costs under rule 5.8

      9. 5.10.Withdrawal or variation of proof

      10. 5.11.Exclusion of proof by the court

      11. 5.12.Debts of further education bodies to rank equally

      12. 5.13.Division of unsold assets

      13. 5.14.Estimate of value of debt

      14. 5.15.Secured creditor: value of security

      15. 5.16.Secured creditor: surrender for non-disclosure

      16. 5.17.Secured creditor: redemption by education administrator

      17. 5.18.Secured creditor: test of security’s value

      18. 5.19.Realisation or surrender of security by creditor

      19. 5.20.Discounts

      20. 5.21.Debts in foreign currency

      21. 5.22.Payments of a periodical nature

      22. 5.23.Interest

      23. 5.24.Mutual dealings and set-off

    3. CHAPTER 3 Distribution to creditors

      1. 5.25.Application of Chapter to particular class of creditors and to distributions

      2. 5.26.Individual notices to creditors etc of intended dividend or distribution

      3. 5.27.Contents of notice of intention to declare a dividend or make a distribution

      4. 5.28.Further contents of notice to creditors owed small debts etc.

      5. 5.29.Gazette notice of intended first dividend or distribution

      6. 5.30.Admission or rejection of proofs following last date for proving

      7. 5.31.Postponement or cancellation of dividend

      8. 5.32.Declaration of dividend

      9. 5.33.Notice of declaration of a dividend

      10. 5.34.Notice of no dividend or no further dividend

      11. 5.35.Sole or final dividend

      12. 5.36.Provisions as to dividends

      13. 5.37.Supplementary provisions as to dividends

      14. 5.38.Secured creditors

      15. 5.39.Disqualification from dividend

      16. 5.40.Assignment of right to dividend

      17. 5.41.Debt payable at future time

      18. 5.42.Non payment of dividend

      19. 5.43.Reporting distribution of property to creditors under rule 5.13


    1. CHAPTER 1 Replacing the Education Administrator

      1. 6.1.Grounds for resignation

      2. 6.2.Notice of intention to resign

      3. 6.3.Notice of resignation

      4. 6.4.Application to court to remove education administrator from office

      5. 6.5.Notice of vacation of office when education administrator ceases to be qualified to act

      6. 6.6.Deceased education administrator

      7. 6.7.Application to replace

      8. 6.8.Appointment of a replacement or additional education administrator

      9. 6.9.Education administrator’s duties on vacating office

    2. CHAPTER 2 Remuneration and expenses

      1. 6.10.Basis of remuneration

      2. 6.11.Pre-administration costs

      3. 6.12.Remuneration of former education administrator

      4. 6.13.Remuneration of new education administrator


    1. CHAPTER 1 Time

      1. 7.1.Calculation of time periods

    2. CHAPTER 2 Form and content of documents

      1. 7.2.Notices or statements in writing

      2. 7.3.Authentication

      3. 7.4.Information required to identify persons and proceedings etc.

      4. 7.5.Prescribed format of documents

      5. 7.6.Variations from prescribed contents

    3. CHAPTER 3 Standard contents of documents to be delivered to the registrar of companies

      1. 7.7.Standard contents for documents delivered to the registrar of companies

      2. 7.8.Registrar of companies: cover sheets

      3. 7.9.Standard contents of all documents to be delivered to the registrar of companies

      4. 7.10.Standard contents of documents relating to the office of education administrator

      5. 7.11.Standard contents of documents relating to other documents

      6. 7.12.Standard contents of documents relating to court orders

    4. CHAPTER 4 Standard contents of notices for delivery to other persons etc.

      1. 7.13.Standard contents of notices to be delivered to persons other than the registrar of companies

      2. 7.14.Standard contents of all notices

      3. 7.15.Standard contents of notice relating to the office of education administrator

      4. 7.16.Standard contents of notices relating to documents

      5. 7.17.Standard contents of notices relating to court proceedings or orders

      6. 7.18.Standard contents of returns or reports of decisions

      7. 7.19.Standard contents of notices of the results of decisions

      8. 7.20.Standard contents of documents relating to other events

    5. CHAPTER 5 Delivery of documents

      1. 7.21.Application of Chapter

      2. 7.22.Delivery of documents to authorised recipients

      3. 7.23.Delivery of documents to joint education administrators

      4. 7.24.Postal delivery of documents

      5. 7.25.Delivery by document exchange

      6. 7.26.Personal delivery of documents

      7. 7.27.Electronic delivery of documents

      8. 7.28.Electronic delivery of notices to enforcement officers

      9. 7.29.Electronic delivery of documents to the court

      10. 7.30.Electronic delivery by education administrator

      11. 7.31.Proof of delivery of documents

      12. 7.32.Delivery of proofs and details of claims

    6. CHAPTER 6 Inspection of documents, copies and provision of information

      1. 7.33.Right to copy documents

      2. 7.34.Charges for copies of documents provided by the education administrator

      3. 7.35.Offence in relation to inspection of documents

      4. 7.36.Right to list of creditors

      5. 7.37.Confidentiality of documents – grounds for refusing inspection

      6. 7.38.Proposed education administrator’s statement and consent to act

    7. CHAPTER 7 Use of websites

      1. 7.39.Use of website by education administrator to deliver a particular document

      2. 7.40.General use of website to deliver documents

      3. 7.41.Retention period for documents made available on websites

    8. CHAPTER 8 Standard contents of Gazette notices

      1. 7.42.Contents of notices to be gazetted under the Act or Rules

      2. 7.43.Standard contents of all notices

      3. 7.44.Gazette – as evidence, variations and errors

    9. CHAPTER 9 Standard contents of notices advertised otherwise than in the Gazette

      1. 7.45.Standard contents of notices advertised otherwise than in the Gazette

      2. 7.46.Non-Gazette notices relating to a further education body

      3. 7.47.Non-Gazette notices – other provisions

    10. CHAPTER 10 Delivery of documents and opting out

      1. 7.48.Delivery to the creditors and opting out

      2. 7.49.Creditor’s election to opt out

      3. 7.50.Education administrator to provide information to creditors on opting-out

  9. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Punishment of offences under these Rules

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Service of documents

      1. 1.(1) This Schedule sets out the requirements for service where...

      2. 2.Service of application for education administration

      3. 3.Service on joint education administrators

      4. 4.Certificate of service

  10. Explanatory Note