

Article 2(1)


In the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham

Work No. 1 — Construction of new tracks and remodelling of existing tracks (2354 metres in length) to form part of the proposed track for the Barking Riverside Extension, located wholly at-grade within the existing railway corridor, commencing at a junction with Network Rail’s Essex Thameside (Tilbury Loop) Line 375 metres south-east of Barking Station Parade bridge, passing south-eastwards along the existing railway corridor below Ripple Road bridge, below the footbridge linking Harrow Road with Kennedy Road, over the Mayes Brook culvert, and below Alfred’s Way bridge, then turning east to pass along the north side of Network Rail’s Ripple Lane Marshalling Yard, and terminating at a point coinciding with the commencement of Work No. 2, 14 metres west of the bridge at Renwick Road.

Work No. 2 — A new railway (1701 metres in length) forming part of the proposed track for the Barking Riverside Extension, located partly at-grade and partly on viaduct, commencing at a point coinciding with the termination of Work No. 1, 14 metres west of the bridge at Renwick Road, passing eastwards, below the bridge at Renwick Road, then rising in elevation and turning gradually southwards to run on a bridge and viaduct structures over Work No. 4, over the extension of Box Lane, over Network Rail’s up goods, down goods and up Essex Thameside (Tilbury Loop) Line, over the High Speed One transfer sidings, over the Ship and Shovel Sewer, and over Choats Road, turning south-westwards and passing below a series of three pylon supported sets of high voltage electrical power lines, then turning southwards to run parallel to the east side of Renwick Road to a new elevated station and terminating at a point 49 metres south-east of the intersection of Renwick Road and River Road, including the construction of a new electrical sub-station in the area to the north-east of the bridge at Renwick Road.

Work No. 3 — The relocation and remodelling of a series of track connections and sidings (1343 metres in length) for Network Rail’s Ripple Lane freight marshalling yard, located wholly at-grade within the existing railway corridor commencing at a junction with the existing Network Rail’s up Essex Thameside (Tilbury Loop) Line 85 metres north-west of Alfred’s Way bridge, passing south-eastwards below Alfred’s Way bridge, turning eastwards to pass through Network Rail’s Ripple Lane Marshalling Yard, then passing below the bridge at Renwick Road and terminating at a connection with Network Rail’s up goods line 35 metres east of the bridge at Renwick Road.

Work No. 4 — The relocation of Network Rail’s down through siding (332 metres in length) located wholly at-grade within the existing railway corridor, commencing at a point on the existing down through siding 98 metres east of the bridge at Renwick Road passing eastwards and then north-eastwards below Work No. 2 and terminating at an intersection with the existing down through siding 425 metres east of the bridge at Renwick Road.

Work No. 5 — The relocation of part of the car terminal siding (120 metres in length) located wholly at-grade within the existing railway corridor, commencing at a point on Work No. 4, 142 metres east of the bridge at Renwick Road passing south-eastwards and terminating at an intersection with the existing car terminal siding 258 metres east of the bridge at Renwick Road.

Work No. 6 — A footpath (251 metres in length), being a diversion of part of existing Footpath 47, commencing at point FP1 on Footpath 47, 96 metres north-east of the intersection of Renwick Road and River Road, passing south to point FP2, then passing west to point FP3 and then passing north and terminating at point FP4 at the intersection of Footpath 47 with Renwick Road, 78 metres north-north-east of the intersection of Renwick Road and River Road.