
PART 5Beneficial Ownership Information

Corporate bodies: obligations

43.—(1) When a UK body corporate which is not listed on a regulated market enters into a relevant transaction with a relevant person, or forms a business relationship with a relevant person, the body corporate must on request from the relevant person provide the relevant person with—

(a)information identifying—

(i)its name, registered number, registered office and principal place of business;

(ii)its board of directors, or if there is no board, the members of the equivalent management body;

(iii)the senior persons responsible for its operations;

(iv)the law to which it is subject;

(v)its legal owners;

(vi)its beneficial owners; and

(b)its articles of association or other governing documents.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a)(v) and (vi), references to the legal owners and beneficial owners of a UK body corporate include a reference to the legal owners and beneficial owners of any body corporate or trust which is directly or indirectly a legal owner or beneficial owner of that body corporate.

(3) Paragraph (1)(a)(vi) does not apply if no person qualifies as a beneficial owner (within the meaning of regulation 5(1)) of—

(a)the UK body corporate; or

(b)any body corporate which is directly or indirectly the owner of that UK body corporate.

(4) If, during the course of a business relationship, there is any change in the identity of the individuals or information falling within paragraph (1), the UK body corporate referred to in paragraph (1) must notify the relevant person of the change and the date on which it occurred within fourteen days from the date on which the body corporate becomes aware of the change.

(5) The UK body corporate must on request provide all or part of the information referred to in paragraph (1) to a law enforcement authority.

(6) Information requested under paragraph (5), must be provided before the end of such reasonable period as may be specified by the law enforcement authority.

(7) The provision of information in accordance with this regulation is not to be taken to breach any restriction, however imposed, on the disclosure of information.

(8) Where a disclosure is made in good faith in accordance with this regulation no civil liability arises in respect of the disclosure on the part of the UK body corporate.

(9) For the purposes of this regulation, a “relevant transaction” means a transaction in relation to which the relevant person is required to apply customer due diligence measures under regulation 27.