The Harbour Directions (Designation of Harbour Authorities) Order 2017

Article 2


1.  Exeter Harbour, being the harbour the limits of which are—

(a)“The Exeter Canal” and “The Canal” defined in section 2 (interpretation) of the Exeter Canal Act 1883(1); and

(b)described in sections 27(1) and (10) (byelaws relating to River Exe, Exeter Canal and flood channel) of the Exeter City Council Act 1987(2).

2.  Neath Harbour, being the harbour the limits of which are described in section 6 (limits of Act) of the Neath Harbour Act 1874(3).

3.  Plymouth Harbour, being the harbour comprising —

(a)“the piers” defined in section 26(1) (interpretation) of the Plymouth City Council Act 1987(4);

(b)in relation to any pier, the limits described in section 29 (limits) of that Act within which the powers of the pier master may be exercised; and

(c)the subsidiary works authorised by section 30 (subsidiary works) of that Act.

4.  St Mary’s Harbour, being the harbour the limits of which are—

(a)described in article 2 (limits of Order) of the St Mary’s (Scilly) Pier Order 1890 confirmed by the Pier and Harbour Confirmation (No 4) Act 1890(5); and

(b)the works and harbour premises defined in article 2(1) (interpretation) of the St Mary’s (Isles of Scilly) Harbour Revision Order 2007(6).

5.  St Mawes Harbour, being the harbour the limits of which are described in section 12 (limits of port and harbour) of the Saint Mawes Pier and Harbour Act 1854(7).

6.  Tor Bay Harbour, being the harbour comprising—

(a)the “harbour” and “harbour estate” defined in section 4(1) (interpretation) of the Tor Bay Harbour Act 1970(8); and

(b)the limits described in section 5(1) of, and Schedule 1 (limits of the harbour) to, that Act.


1883 c. xxxiii (46 & 47 Vict.)


1874 c. cxlv.


1854 c. lvi.


1970 c. liii.