The Brechfa Forest Wind Farm Connection Order 2016

Frac-out contingency plan

24.—(1) Prior to the commencement of undergrounding works within Work No. 2, a final frac-out contingency plan consistent with the frac-out contingency plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority in consultation with Natural Resources Wales. The final frac-out contingency plan shall include—

(a)the persons responsible for implementing the measures to be set out within the plan:

(b)design protocols and measures to be implemented for the protection of sensitive ecological receptors;

(c)confirmation of the suitability of the formations to be drilled;

(d)measures to monitor the drilling process for frac-out; and

(e)the measures to be initiated to protected sensitive ecological receptors should frac-out occur.

(2) The final frac-out contingency plan must be implemented as approved.