
PART 5Operations

CHAPTER 3Specialised activities

Towing, picking up and raising of persons and articles

88.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this article, an aircraft in flight must not, by means external to the aircraft, tow any article, other than a glider, or pick up or raise any person, animal or article, unless—

(a)there is a certificate of airworthiness and—

(i)that certificate has been issued or rendered valid for that aircraft under the law of the country in which the aircraft is registered; and

(ii)that certificate, or the flight manual for the aircraft, includes an express provision that it may be used for that purpose; or

(b)the aircraft has been authorised to do so by—

(i)the CAA; or

(ii)an organisation approved by the CAA to provide such an authorisation.

(2) An aircraft must not launch or pick up tow ropes, banners or similar articles other than at an aerodrome.

(3) An aircraft in flight must not tow any article, other than a glider, at night or when flight visibility is less than one nautical mile.

(4) The length of the combination of towing aircraft, tow rope, and article in tow, must not exceed 150 metres.

(5) A helicopter must not fly at any height over a congested area of a city, town or settlement at any time when any article, person or animal is suspended from the helicopter.

(6) A passenger must not be carried in a helicopter at any time when an article, person or animal is suspended from the helicopter, other than—

(a)a passenger who has duties to perform in connection with the article, person or animal;

(b)a passenger who has been picked up or raised by means external to the helicopter; or

(c)a passenger who it is intended will be lowered to the surface by means external to the helicopter.

(7) Nothing in this article—

(a)prohibits the towing in a reasonable manner by an aircraft in flight of any radio aerial, any instrument which is being used for experimental purposes, or any signal, apparatus or article required or permitted by or under this Order to be towed or displayed by an aircraft in flight;

(b)prohibits the picking up or raising of any person, animal or article in an emergency or for the purpose of saving life;

(c)applies to any aircraft while it is flying in accordance with the B Conditions; or

(d)permits the towing or picking up of a glider otherwise than in accordance with article 87.