The Air Navigation Order 2016

Powers of aerodrome firefighters in an emergency

This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

217.—(1) A member of the Rescue and Fire Fighting Service at a national licensed aerodrome or an EASA certified aerodrome may do anything on the aerodrome the member reasonably believes to be necessary—

(a)if the member reasonably believes a fire to have broken out or to be about to break out, for the purpose of extinguishing or preventing the fire or protecting life or property;

(b)if the member reasonably believes an aircraft accident or incident to have occurred, for the purpose of rescuing people or protecting them from serious harm; or

(c)for the purpose of preventing or limiting damage to property resulting from any action taken as mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) or (b).

(2) In particular, a member of the Rescue and Fire Fighting Service at a national licensed aerodrome or an EASA certified aerodrome, when acting in accordance with paragraph (1), may on the aerodrome—

(a)enter an aircraft, by force if necessary, without the consent of the owner or operator;

(b)restrict the access of persons to an aircraft, premises or a place.

(3) A person who without reasonable excuse obstructs or interferes with a member of the Rescue and Fire Fighting Service at a national licensed aerodrome or an EASA certified aerodrome taking action authorised under this article commits an offence.