
PART 5Operations

CHAPTER 5Dangerous goods

Exceptions concerning carriage of weapons and munitions of war

100.—(1) In the case of an aircraft which is flying under and in accordance with the terms of a police air operator’s certificate the pilot in command of the aircraft must be informed of the matters referred to in article 98(2)(b) but need not be so informed in writing.

(2) Article 98(3) and article 99 do not apply to or in relation to an aircraft which is flying under and in accordance with the terms of a police air operator’s certificate.

(3) Nothing in this Part applies to any sporting weapon or munition of war taken or carried on board an aircraft registered in a country other than the United Kingdom if the sporting weapon or munition of war may under the law of the country in which the aircraft is registered be lawfully taken or carried on board for the purpose of ensuring the safety of the aircraft or of persons on board.