The Bank Recovery and Resolution Order 2016

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Citation and commencement

    1. 1.Citation and commencement

  3. PART 2 Amendments of the Banking Act 2009 and related provision

    1. CHAPTER 1 Amendments of the Banking Act 2009

      1. 2.Introduction to amendments of the Banking Act 2009

      2. 3.Overview

      3. 4.Interpretation of Part 1 of the Banking Act 2009

      4. 5.Removal of impediments to the exercise of the stabilisation powers etc

      5. 6.Cases where mandatory write-down, conversion etc applies

      6. 7.General conditions

      7. 8.Private sector purchasers

      8. 9.Onward transfers

      9. 10.Reverse share transfers

      10. 11.Property transfer instruments: special bail-in provision

      11. 12.Property transfer instruments and bail-in: supplementary matters

      12. 13.Resolution company: asset and liability transfers from subsidiary banks

      13. 14.Recovery of expenses

      14. 15.Termination rights etc

      15. 16.Onward and reverse transfers

      16. 17.Independent valuation

      17. 18.Cases where mandatory write-down etc applies: banking group companies

      18. 19.Section 83ZW: renumbering

      19. 20.Building societies

      20. 21.Building societies: Bridge bank option

      21. 22.Building Societies: amendment of section 84D

      22. 23.Application to investment firms

      23. 24.Application to recognised central counterparties

      24. 25.Restrictions on disclosure of confidential information

      25. 26.Bank administration

      26. 27.Index of defined terms

    2. CHAPTER 2 Building Societies: charges

      1. 28.Building Societies: charges

  4. PART 3 Resolution of UK branches of third-country institutions

    1. 29.Resolution of UK branches of third-country institutions

  5. PART 4 Amendments of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000

    1. 30.Introduction to amendments of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000

    2. 31.General meeting

    3. 32.Removal of directors and senior executives and appointment of temporary manager

    4. 33.Assessment and resolution

    5. 34.Restrictions on disclosure of confidential information

    6. 35.Supervisory notices

  6. PART 5 Amendments of secondary legislation

    1. 36.Banking Act 2009 (Restriction of Partial Property Transfers) Order 2009

    2. 37.Banking Act 2009 (Exclusion of Investment Firms of a Specified Description) Order 2014

    3. 38.Banking Act 2009 (Third Party Compensation Arrangements for Partial Property Transfers) Regulations 2009

    4. 39.Banking Act 2009 (Restriction of Special Bail-in Provision, etc) Order 2014

    5. 40.Banking Act 2009 (Mandatory Compensation Arrangements Following Bail-in) Regulations 2014

    6. 41.Bank Recovery and Resolution (No. 2) Order 2014

  7. PART 6 Review

    1. 42.Review

  8. Signature

  9. Explanatory Note