The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015

Development not permitted
This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

J.1  Development is not permitted by Class J if—

(a)it consists of the drilling of boreholes for petroleum exploration;

(b)any operation would be carried out within 50 metres of any part of an occupied residential building or a building occupied as a hospital or school;

(c)any operation would be carried out within a National Park, an area of outstanding natural beauty, a site of archaeological interest or a site of special scientific interest;

(d)any explosive charge of more than 1 kilogram would be used;

(e)any excavation referred to in Class J(c) would exceed 10 metres in depth or 12 square metres in surface area;

(f)in the case described in Class J(c) more than 10 excavations would, as a result, be made within any area of 1 hectare within the land during any period of 24 months; or

(g)any structure assembled or provided would exceed 12 metres in height, or, where the structure would be within 3 kilometres of the perimeter of an aerodrome, 3 metres in height.