
SCHEDULE 2Permitted development rights

PART 15Power related development

Class A – gas transporters

Permitted development

A.  Development by a gas transporter required for the purposes of its undertaking consisting of—

(a)the laying underground of mains, pipes or other apparatus;

(b)the installation in a gas distribution system of apparatus for measuring, recording, controlling or varying the pressure, flow or volume of gas, and structures for housing such apparatus;

(c)the construction in any storage area or protective area specified in an order made under section 4 of the Gas Act 1965 (storage authorisation orders)(1), of boreholes, and the erection or construction in any such area of any plant or machinery required in connection with the construction of such boreholes;

(d)the placing and storage on land of pipes and other apparatus to be included in a main or pipe which is being or is about to be laid or constructed in pursuance of planning permission granted or deemed to be granted under Part 3 of the Act (control over development);

(e)the erection on operational land of the gas transporter of a building solely for the protection of plant or machinery;

(f)any other development carried out in, on, over or under the operational land of the gas transporter.


1965 c. 36; relevant amendments are made by section 67 of, and Schedule 7 to, the Gas Act 1986 (c. 44), Schedule 2 to the Planning (Consequential Provisions) Act 1990 (c.11), Schedule 4 to the Gas Act 1995 (c. 45) and Schedule 2 to the Planning Act 2008 (c. 29). See section 5(1) of the Gas Act 1965 for the meaning of storage area and protective area.