
PART 4Annual Fees

Voluntary adoption agencies

20.—(1) The annual fee payable in respect of a voluntary adoption agency is, subject to paragraph (2)—

(a)£1153; and

(b)if the voluntary adoption agency has, in addition to its principal office, one or more branches, an additional sum of—

(i)£1153 in respect of each branch that is not a small branch, and

(ii)£612 in respect of each small branch.

(2) If the voluntary adoption agency has a small principal office, the fee is—


(b)if the voluntary adoption agency has, in addition to its small principal office, one or more branches, an additional sum of—

(i)£1153 in respect of each branch that is not a small branch, and

(ii)£612 in respect of each small branch.

(3) The annual fee is payable—

(a)in the case of a person who carries on an agency that was an adoption society approved under Part 1 of the Adoption Act 1976(1), on 30th April in each year;

(b)in the case of a new provider registered before 1st April 2015, on the anniversary of the date on which the certificate was issued;

(c)otherwise, on the date on which the certificate is issued, and thereafter on the anniversary of that date.


1976 c.36. Part 1 of the Adoption Act 1976 was repealed by Schedule 5 to the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (c.38).