PART 2Quality standards and related matters

CHAPTER 1Quality standards

The leadership and management standard

13.—(1) The leadership and management standard is that the registered person enables, inspires and leads a culture in relation to the children’s home that—

(a)helps children aspire to fulfil their potential; and

(b)promotes their welfare.

(2) In particular, the standard in paragraph (1) requires the registered person to—

(a)lead and manage the home in a way that is consistent with the approach and ethos, and delivers the outcomes, set out in the home’s statement of purpose;

(b)ensure that staff work as a team where appropriate;

(c)ensure that staff have the experience, qualifications and skills to meet the needs of each child;

(d)ensure that the home has sufficient staff to provide care for each child;

(e)ensure that the home’s workforce provides continuity of care to each child;

(f)understand the impact that the quality of care provided in the home is having on the progress and experiences of each child and use this understanding to inform the development of the quality of care provided in the home;

(g)demonstrate that practice in the home is informed and improved by taking into account and acting on—

(i)research and developments in relation to the ways in which the needs of children are best met; and

(ii)feedback on the experiences of children, including complaints received; and

(h)use monitoring and review systems to make continuous improvements in the quality of care provided in the home.