The Bodmin Moor Commons Council Establishment Order 2015

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Title and commencement

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Establishment of the Council

  5. 4.Membership of the Council

  6. 5.Functions of the Council

  7. 6.Rules: further provision

  8. 7.Procedure for making, varying or revoking rules

  9. 8.Register to be maintained by the Council

  10. 9.Decisions of the Council

  11. 10.Vacancies in membership of the Council

  12. 11.Revocations

  13. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      The Commons

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Election and appointment of members

      1. 1.Election and appointment of first members of the Council

      2. 2.For the purpose of the first election of the members...

      3. 3.For the purpose of the first appointment of the members...

      4. 4.(1) Sub-paragraph (2) applies in relation to a commoner who...

      5. 5.Before finalising the lists under paragraphs 2 and 3, the...

      6. 6.In compiling and finalising the lists under paragraph 2, the...

      7. 7.The returning officer may request further information from any person...

      8. 8.In finalising the lists, the returning officer—

      9. 9.The decision of the returning officer as to whether or...

      10. 10.(1) The returning officer must, not less than 28 days...

      11. 11.In relation to each list compiled under paragraph 2, only...

      12. 12.The only persons eligible for election or appointment as members...

      13. 13.The owners of land forming part of the Commons must,...

      14. 14.At the meeting notified under paragraph 10(1)(a)—

      15. 15.Election and appointment of subsequent members

      16. 16.Members are to be elected or appointed, and any elections...

      17. 17.General provisions

      18. 18.A declaration signed by the returning officer as to the...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Decisions of the Council

      1. 1.Voting rights

      2. 2.Decisions requiring special majority

  14. Explanatory Note