

Phasing of landfill and restoration activities

6.—(1) No mineral extraction or landfill operations may be carried out except in accordance with the principles of phasing shown on the works plan and phasing plans presented in the soils handling and management scheme listed under requirement 4(9). Those operations must progress through phases A, B, C and D in accordance with those phasing plans. With the exception of the areas of the landfill which will be used for access, and areas of land that are to be used for temporary stockpiling, the landfill operations must progress from cell 3D through phases A, B, C and D, with the final phase of landfill being the access route and remaining areas of Cell 2.

(2) Capping and restoration of any phase must be completed in accordance with the Landscaping, restoration, habitat management and aftercare scheme listed under requirement 4(11) within 12 months of either:

(a)The completion of landfilling operations in a phase reaching levels which will provide for the placement of capping and restoration materials (to ensure that the pre-settlement restoration contours shown on drawing reference WS0100003/WLL/PLANS/ELEVATION1 are not exceeded); or

(b)On completion of the use of that phase for stockpiling (if it to be used as such) in accordance with requirement 17.