  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Introductory provisions

    1. 1.Citation, commencement and cessation

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 3.Conferral of functions or discretion on the FPC

    4. 4.Appeals: application of Part 9 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000

  3. PART 2 Capital conservation buffer

    1. 5.Transitional provisions: 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2018

    2. 6.Exemption for small and medium-sized investment firms

  4. PART 3 Countercyclical Capital Buffer

    1. CHAPTER 1 Designated authority and interpretation

      1. 7.Designated authority

      2. 8.Meaning of “UK institution”

    2. CHAPTER 2 Exposures located in the United Kingdom

      1. 9.The buffer guide

      2. 10.Countercyclical buffer rate

      3. 11.Date from which changes to the buffer rate apply

      4. 12.Announcement of changes to the buffer rate

    3. CHAPTER 3 Exposures located outside the United Kingdom

      1. 13.Buffer rates for EEA exposures: before 1st January 2016

      2. 14.Buffer rates for EEA exposures: on or after 1st January 2016

      3. 15.Buffer rates for exposures outside the EEA

      4. 16.Buffer rates: integer multiples of 0.25%

      5. 17.Date of application of buffer rates

      6. 18.Announcement of changes to buffer rates

    4. CHAPTER 4 Institution-specific countercyclical capital buffers

      1. 19.Calculation of buffer before 1st January 2016

      2. 20.Exemption for small and medium-sized investment firms

  5. PART 4 G-SII Buffer

    1. 21.Designated authority

    2. 22.G-SIIs: location and nature

    3. 23.Identification methodology

    4. 24.Sub-catgories of G-SII and corresponding buffer rates

    5. 25.Re-allocation in exercise of sound supervisory judgement

    6. 26.Notification, publication and review

    7. 27.Appeals

    8. 28.Transitional provision: 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2019

  6. PART 5 O-SIIs

    1. 29.Designated authority

    2. 30.O-SIIs: location and nature

    3. 31.Identification of O-SIIs

    4. 32.Notification, publication and review

    5. 33.Appeals

    6. 34.No requirement to maintain an O-SII buffer

  7. PART 6 Combined buffer requirement

    1. 35.Combined buffer requirement

  8. PART 7 Macro-prudential measures: procedure

    1. 36.Amendments to the Bank of England Act 1998

  9. Signature

  10. Explanatory Note