

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order is the ninth commencement order made under the Policing and Crime Act 2009 (c. 22) (“the 2009 Act”). The 2009 Act made amendments to the Proceeds of Crime Act (c. 29) (“the 2002 Act”).

Article 2 brings into force on 22nd November 2014 amendments made by the 2009 Act to section 459 of the 2002 Act, which sets out the Parliamentary procedures for orders and regulations made under the 2002 Act. This is in anticipation of the making of subordinate legislation under the following provisions of the 2002 Act:

Article 3 brings into force on 22nd November 2014 certain provisions of the 2009 Act, for the purpose of the making of subordinate legislation under the following powers in the 2002 Act: