The Hinkley Point C (Nuclear Generating Station) Order 2013

Cannington Park and Ride

11.  For the purpose of requirements CP1 to CP15, the “site” refers to the land within the Order limits shown on sheet no. 15 and “development” refers to Work Nos. 7A and 7B. Requirements CP1 to CP15 relate only to development carried out on the site as so defined.


Reference No.



CP1 Ecology
(1) The development shall not commence until an ecological mitigation and monitoring plan has been submitted to and approved by Sedgemoor District Council. The ecological mitigation and monitoring plan shall be prepared to reflect the ecological mitigation and measures included in Volume 6, chapter 14 of the Environmental Statement.
(2) The ecological mitigation and monitoring plan shall include an implementation timetable and must be carried out as approved.
CP2 Car parking
The number of car and minibus parking spaces to be provided and available for Work No. 7A for the duration of the HPC construction works shall not exceed 132 for the construction workforce and a further 120 for visitor parking, unless otherwise approved by Sedgemoor District Council.
CP3 Construction compound
(1) Buildings, structures, plant, equipment, uses, construction hoardings and means of enclosure required in connection with construction of the development shall be built and used in accordance with Section 6 of the Construction Method Statement and as set out in Figure 3.1 (Environmental Statement, Volume 6) Construction Work Area Plan, unless otherwise approved by Sedgemoor District Council.
(2) Following completion of construction works on site, all temporary structures, plant and equipment required for construction of the development shall be removed.
CP4 Storage
There shall be no storage of materials, including soil, within the part of the site liable to flood, shown in light blue on figure 4 of the Cannington Park and Ride Flood Risk Assessment (along the north-eastern boundary of the site).
CP5 Construction hours
(1) Construction work shall only be undertaken between the hours of 08:00 and 19:00 on weekdays (excluding public holidays) and 08:00 and 13:00 hours on Saturdays, unless otherwise approved by Sedgemoor District Council.
(2) Activities excluded from the above working hours restrictions comprise non-intrusive and internal activities, such as start-up and shut-down, electrical installation, building fit-out and non-destructive testing.
CP6 Landscape works
(1) No development shall commence until a landscape scheme has been submitted to and approved by Sedgemoor District Council. The landscape scheme shall be developed in general accordance with the landscape strategy drawings (500102 (Rev 02): Tree and Hedgerow Retention and Removal Plan During Operation; 500106 (Rev 01): Tree and Hedgerow Retention and Removal Site Access; and 500109 (Rev 02): Planting Plan During Operational Phase) and must include details of all proposed landscape works, including—
(a)soft landscape details, including details of landscape bunds and earth stockpiles;
(b)hard surfacing materials;
(c)proposed finished ground levels;
(d)vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and circulation areas;
(e)street furniture, security cabins, bus shelters, refuse or other storage units;
(f)details of plant establishment maintenance and management arrangements; and
(g)an implementation timetable for all landscaping works.
(2) All landscape works must be carried out in accordance with the landscape scheme approved under this requirement and in accordance with the relevant recommendations of appropriate British Standards.
CP7 Fencing
(1) Except for fencing erected pursuant to requirement CP3, no security fences, walls or other means of enclosure shall be erected until details of their layout, scale and appearance have been submitted to and approved by Sedgemoor District Council.
(2) Work No. 7A must remain securely fenced at all times during construction and operation of Work No. 7A.
CP8 Lighting
(1) Installation of external lighting shall not commence until details of external lighting, including a scheme for the management and mitigation of artificial light emissions, has been submitted to and approved by Sedgemoor District Council. The lighting scheme shall be in accordance with section 7 (Development Proposals) of the Cannington Park and Ride Design and Access Statement and drawing 012001: Proposed Lighting, CCTV and Signage.
(2) The approved scheme for the management and mitigation of artificial light emissions must be implemented and maintained during the construction and operation of the development.
CP9 Signage
(1) Except for signage which the undertaker is permitted to erect by virtue of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisement) Regulations 2007 or any signage set out in the approved plans, no signage shall be erected on the site until details of the location, size, colour, projection and method of any illumination have been submitted to and approved by Sedgemoor District Council. Signage details shall be in accordance with section 6 (Design Principles) of the Cannington Park and Ride site-specific Design and Access Statement.
(2) Signage referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.
CP10 Flood Risk Assessment
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations set out in the Cannington Park and Ride Flood Risk Assessment, unless otherwise approved by Sedgemoor District Council.
CP11 Flood alleviation channel
Other than the development indicated on drawing 000101 (Rev 02), no development, including the raising of ground level, shall be undertaken within 8m of the banks of the existing flood alleviation channel, unless otherwise approved by Sedgemoor District Council.
CP12 Surface and foul water
(1) The development shall not commence until details of the surface and foul water drainage system (including means of pollution control, balancing ponds and future responsibility, monitoring and maintenance arrangements) have, after consultation with the Environment Agency, the sewerage authority and drainage authority (Parrett Internal Drainage Board), been submitted to and approved by Sedgemoor District Council.
(2) The surface and foul water drainage system shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details referred to in paragraph (1).
CP13 Highways
Work No. 7A shall not be brought into use until Work No. 7B is available for use.
CP14 Access road crossings
(1) No development shall commence until engineering details for the site access road crossings of the A39 roadside ditch and the new flood alleviation channel have been submitted to and approved by Sedgemoor District Council. The details shall be in general accordance with the illustrative details set out in Appendix D of the Cannington Park and Ride Flood Risk Assessment.
(2) The details referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented as approved.
CP15 Post-operation
Within 12 months of the completion of the HPC construction works, all buildings on the site of Work No. 7A shall be demolished: all materials resulting from their demolition shall be removed from the site; and the land shall be restored to its pre-development level, and to a condition suitable for agricultural use.