

Citation and commencement

1.  This Order may be cited as the Chiltern Railways (Bicester to Oxford Improvements) Order 2012 and comes into force on 13th November 2012.


2.—(1) In this Order—

“the 1961 Act” means the Land Compensation Act 1961(1);

“the 1965 Act” means the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965(2);

“the 1990 Act” means the Town and Country Planning Act 1990(3);

“the 1991 Act” means the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991(4);

“address” includes any number or address used for the purposes of electronic transmission;

“authorised works” means the scheduled works and any other works authorised by this Order;

“the book of reference” means the book of reference certified by the Secretary of State as the book of reference for the purposes of this Order;

“bridleway” has the same meaning as in the Highways Act 1980(5);

“building” includes any structure or erection or any part of a building, structure or erection;

“carriageway” has the same meaning as in the Highways Act 1980;

“the Company” means The Chiltern Railway Company Limited (Company No. 3007939) whose registered office is at Great Central House, Marylebone Station, Melcombe Place, London NW1 6JJ;

“the deposited plans” means the plans certified by the Secretary of State as the deposited plans for the purposes of this Order;

“the deposited sections” means the sections certified by the Secretary of State as the sections for the purposes of this Order;

“electronic transmission” means a communication transmitted—


by means of an electronic communications network; or


by other means but while in electronic form;

“footpath” and “footway” have the same meaning as in the Highways Act 1980;

“highway” and “highway authority” have the same meaning as in the Highways Act 1980;

“the limits of deviation” means the limits of deviation for the scheduled works shown on the deposited plans;

“the limits of land to be acquired or used” means the limits of land to be acquired or used shown on the deposited plans;

“maintain” includes inspect, repair, adjust, alter, remove, reconstruct and replace, and “maintenance” is to be construed accordingly;

“Network Rail” means Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Company No. 02904587) whose registered office is at Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9AG and any associated company of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited which holds property for railway purposes, and for the purpose of this definition “associated company” means any company which is (within the meaning of section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006(6)) the holding company of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited, a subsidiary of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited or another subsidiary of the holding company of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited;

“the Order limits” means the limits of deviation and the limits of land to be acquired or used;

“owner”, in relation to land, has the same meaning as in the Acquisition of Land Act 1981(7);

“the scheduled works” means the works specified in Schedule 1 (scheduled works) or any part of them;

“street” includes part of a street;

“street authority”, in relation to a street, has the same meaning as in Part 3 of the 1991 Act;

“the tribunal” means the Upper Tribunal; and

“watercourse” includes all rivers, streams, ditches, drains, canals, cuts, culverts, dykes, sluices, sewers and passages through which water flows except a public sewer or drain.

(2) References in this Order to rights over land include references to rights to do, or to place and maintain, anything in, on or under land or in the air-space above its surface.

(3) All distances, directions and lengths stated in the description of the scheduled works or in any description of powers or lands are approximate, and distances between points on a scheduled work are taken to be measured along the scheduled work.

Incorporation of Railways Clauses Acts

3.—(1) The following provisions of the Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 1845(8) are incorporated in this Order—

(2) Section 12 (signals, watchmen etc.) of the Railways Clauses Act 1863(10) is incorporated in this Order.

(3) In those provisions, as incorporated in this Order—

“the company” means the Company;

“goods” includes any thing conveyed on the railway authorised to be constructed by this Order;

“lease” includes an agreement for a lease;

“prescribed”, in relation to any such provision, means prescribed by this Order for the purposes of that provision;

“the railway” means any railway authorised to be constructed by this Order and any other authorised works;

“the special Act” means this Order;

“toll” includes any rate or charge or other payment payable under this Order or any other enactment for any passenger or goods conveyed on any railway authorised to be constructed by this Order.

(4) In section 46 of the Act of 1845, as incorporated in this Order, for the proviso there are substituted the words “Provided always that, with the consent of the highway authority and subject to such conditions as the authority may reasonably impose, the railway may be carried across a highway on the level”.

Application of the 1991 Act

4.—(1) Works executed under this Order in relation to a highway which consists of or includes a carriageway are treated for the purposes of Part 3 of the 1991 Act (street works in England and Wales) as major transport works if—

(a)they are of a description mentioned in any of paragraphs (a), (c) to (e), (g) and (h) of section 86(3) of that Act (which defines what highway authority works are major highway works); or

(b)they are works which, had they been executed by the highway authority, might have been carried out in exercise of the powers conferred by section 64 of the Highways Act 1980 (dual carriageways and roundabouts).

(2) The provisions of the 1991 Act mentioned in paragraph (3) which, together with other provisions of that Act, apply in relation to the execution of street works and any regulations made or code of practice issued or approved under those provisions apply (with the necessary modifications) in relation to any stopping up, alteration or diversion of a street of a temporary nature by the Company under the powers conferred by article 10 (temporary stopping up of streets) whether or not the stopping up, alteration or diversion constitutes street works within the meaning of that Act.

(3) The provisions of the 1991 Act referred to in paragraph (2) are—

all such other provisions as apply for the purposes of the provisions mentioned above.

(4) Sections 54 and 55 of the 1991 Act as applied by paragraph (2) have effect as if references in section 57 of that Act to emergency works were a reference to a stopping up, alteration or diversion (as the case may be) required in a case of emergency.

(5) Nothing in article 12 (construction and maintenance of new or altered streets)—

(a)prejudices the operation of section 87 of the 1991 Act (prospectively maintainable highways); and the Company is not by reason of any duty under that article to maintain a street to be taken to be a street authority in relation to that street for the purposes of Part 3 of that Act; or

(b)has effect in relation to street works with regard to which the provisions of Part 3 of the 1991 Act apply.