

CHAPTER 1Licensing Procedures

Decisions to be made by Member

50.—(1) This Part applies to the CAA’s function of making a decision to—

(a)revoke, suspend or vary an ATOL or accreditation otherwise than on the application of the person concerned,

(b)grant or vary an ATOL or accreditation in terms other than those requested by the applicant,

(c)refuse to grant an ATOL or accreditation, or

(d)provisionally vary an ATOL or accreditation.

(2) Any other decision to grant, revoke, suspend or vary an ATOL or accreditation may be made on behalf of the CAA only by a Member or by an employee of the CAA.

(3) Where this Part applies, the quorum of the CAA is one Member.

(4) Where a decision is to be made by more than one Member, references in this Part to “Member” shall include all such Members.