

CHAPTER 2Revocation, suspension, variation and refusal of ATOL or accreditation

SECTION 2Accreditation

Expedited suspension of an accreditation

45.—(1) The CAA may suspend an accreditation notwithstanding that it has not complied with the requirements of regulation 44 if it—

(a)is no longer satisfied that the applicant’s—

(i)organisation, staffing, financial and other arrangements; and

(ii)conditions of membership and its arrangements for supervising its members,

are such that a person dealing with a member of the accredited body will receive a level of protection which is equivalent to the one they would receive if dealing similarly with an ATOL holder that is not an accredited body.

(b)serves on the accredited body at least 72 hours notice of its proposal to suspend the accreditation and its reasons for the proposal; and

(c)considers any representations which may be made to it by the accredited body before the expiration of such notice.

(2) In computing the period of 72 hours specified in paragraph (1)(b) the whole of any Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, or a bank holiday under the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971 in any part of the United Kingdom is to be disregarded.