

CHAPTER 1Application for, and refusal of, an ATOL or accreditation as an accredited body

Application for and grant of an ATOL or a variation to an ATOL

31.—(1) The CAA must specify and publish the requirements for an application for an ATOL or a variation to an ATOL.

(2) Subject to paragraph (4), an application for the grant or variation of an ATOL must be made in a form and manner published by the CAA.

(3) Where such an application is received the CAA must—

(a)grant an ATOL or a variation to an ATOL to the applicant in the terms requested in the application;

(b)grant an ATOL or a variation to an ATOL in those terms with such modifications and subject to such conditions as the CAA thinks fit; or

(c)refuse to grant an ATOL or a variation to an ATOL.

(4) The CAA may refuse to consider an application unless it is accompanied by the charge payable under a charging scheme made under section 11 of the Act.

(5) The CAA may require as a condition or a term of the ATOL compliance with one or more of the ATOL standard terms and all or any part of the schedule of agency terms.

(6) When granting an ATOL, the CAA must provide a number for that ATOL, unique to that ATOL.