

Actions for breach of requirements

Right to bring actions

72.—(1) A contravention—

(a)which is to be taken to have occurred by virtue of regulation 18;

(b)of a requirement imposed by regulation 20, 21, 22 or 24; or

(c)of a requirement imposed by or under Part 5,

is actionable at the suit of a private person who suffers loss as a result of the contravention, subject to the defences and other incidents applying to actions for breach of statutory duty.

(2) A person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity may bring an action under paragraph (1) on behalf of a private person if any remedy—

(a)will be exclusively for the benefit of the private person; and

(b)cannot be obtained by way of an action brought otherwise than at the suit of the fiduciary or representative.

(3) In this regulation “private person” means—

(a)any individual, except where the individual suffers the loss in question in the course of issuing electronic money or providing payment services; and

(b)any person who is not an individual, except where that person suffers the loss in question in the course of carrying on business of any kind,

but does not include a government, a local authority (in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) or an international organisation.

Prohibition on contracting-out

73.  A term contained in an agreement between an electronic money issuer and an electronic money holder or a payment service user is void if, and to the extent that, it is inconsistent with a provision for the protection of an electronic money holder or a payment service user contained in these Regulations or the Payment Services Regulations 2009.