  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Preliminary

    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.Revocation, saving and amendment

    3. 3.Interpretation

    4. 4.Toys to which these Regulations apply

    5. 5.Essential safety requirements

    6. 6.Particular safety requirements for toys placed on the market before 20th July 2013

    7. 7.Presumption of conformity

    8. 8.Exception for trade fairs or exhibitions

    9. 9.Parts 1 and 2 are safety regulations within the meaning of the 1987 Act

  3. PART 2 Prohibitions and Obligations on Economic Operators

    1. Manufacturers and their authorised representatives

      1. 10.Prohibitions on placing toys on the market

      2. 11.Design and manufacture of toys in accordance with essential safety requirements

      3. 12.Safety assessment

      4. 13.Applicable conformity assessment procedures

      5. 14.Application for EC-type examination

      6. 15.EC declaration of conformity and CE marking

      7. 16.(1) The EC declaration of conformity must state that it...

      8. 17.Technical documentation and correspondence relating to EC-type examination

      9. 18.Toys to bear CE marking

      10. 19.Information identifying toy and manufacturer

      11. 20.Instructions for use, safety information and warnings

      12. 21.Compliance procedures for series production

      13. 22.Submission of EC-type examination certificate for review

      14. 23.Monitoring of toys

      15. 24.Non-compliant toys and toys presenting a risk

      16. 25.Manufacturer’s authorised representative

    2. Importers

      1. 26.Prohibitions on placing toys on the market

      2. 27.Information identifying importer

      3. 28.Storage or transport of toys

      4. 29.Monitoring of toys

      5. 30.Non-compliant toys and toys presenting a risk

      6. 31.Duties to retain and provide information

      7. 32.Duty in certain circumstances to comply with manufacturers’ duties in place of importers’ duties

    3. Distributors

      1. 33.Duty to act with due care and prohibitions on making toys available on the market

      2. 34.Storage or transport of toys under distributor’s responsibility

      3. 35.Non-compliant toys and toys presenting a risk

      4. 36.Duty to provide information

      5. 37.Duty in certain circumstances to comply with manufacturers’ duties in place of distributors’ duties

    4. All economic operators

      1. 38.Identification of economic operators to enforcement authorities

      2. 39.Protection of CE marking

  4. PART 3 Designation of Notified Bodies

    1. 40.Designation of UK notified bodies

    2. 41.Duration, variation and termination of designation

  5. PART 4 Functions of UK Notified Bodies

    1. 42.Duty to perform EC-type examinations

    2. 43.Performance of EC-type examinations

    3. 44.Issue and content of EC-type examination certificate, and refusal and appeal against refusal to issue certificate

    4. 45.Action (after issue of EC-type examination certificate) where a toy fails to comply with essential safety requirements

    5. 46.Provision of information by UK notified bodies to other notified bodies

    6. 47.Instructions to UK notified bodies in relation to EC-type examination certificates

    7. 48.Participation by UK notified bodies in sectoral groups of notified bodies

    8. 49.Subcontracting by a UK notified body

    9. 50.Charging of fees by UK notified body

    10. 51.Provision of information by UK notified bodies to the Secretary of State

  6. PART 5 Enforcement

    1. 52.Enforcement action in cases of formal non-compliance

    2. 53.Enforcement action in cases of toys presenting a risk

    3. 54.Notification of enforcement action taken in cases of toys presenting a risk

    4. 55.Requirements relating to certain measures taken by enforcement authorities or other persons

    5. 56.Commencement of proceedings

    6. 57.Amendment to the General Product Safety Regulations 2005

  7. PART 6 Review

    1. 58.Review

  8. Signature

  9. Explanatory Note