

(This note is not part of the Order)

Sections 19A and 73A of the Licensing Act 2003 (as inserted by section 32 of and Schedule 4 to the Policing and Crime Act 2009) provide for the Secretary of State to prescribe by order up to nine mandatory conditions applicable to relevant premises licences and club premises certificates. Relevant premises licences and relevant club premises certificates are those authorising the supply of alcohol to the public in licensed premises or to members or guests of clubs in club premises.

The Schedule to the Order sets out the five mandatory conditions which apply to relevant premises licences and club premises certificates from the date of coming into force of the Order as provided in article 1. The conditions apply to all relevant premises licences and all relevant club premises certificates authorising consumption of alcohol on the premises, with the exception of the condition in paragraph 4 of the Schedule, requiring an age verification policy to be adopted, which applies in addition to licences and certificates which permit the supply of alcohol only for consumption off the premises.