The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010

Special development orders

Special development orders

77.—(1) A special development order may not grant planning permission for development which—

(a)is likely to have a significant effect on a European site (either alone or in combination with other plans or projects); and

(b)is not directly connected with or necessary to the management of the site.

(2) A special development order made before 1st April 2010 is not to be taken to grant planning permission for development of a kind mentioned in paragraph (1), whether or not the development authorised by the permission has been begun.

(3) Nothing in this regulation affects anything done pursuant to a special development order before 1st April 2010.

(4) A special development order may not grant planning permission for development which is likely to have a significant effect on a European offshore marine site (either alone or in combination with other plans or projects).