
SCHEDULE 3Labelling and loose sales

PART 5Sales of loose seed

Sales of loose seed

26.—(1) Loose (unpackaged) seed may be sold in accordance with this paragraph.

(2) The maximum quantity that may be sold is—

(a)for fodder seed—

(i)3kg in the case of field beans and peas;

(ii)2kg in the case of all other fodder seed;

(iii)7kg in the case of a mixture of seed;

(b)for cereal seed, 5kg;

(c)for beet seed, 2.5 kg;

(d)for oil and fibre seed, 5 kg;

(e)for vegetable seed—

(i)3kg in the case of legumes;

(ii)1kg in the case of all other vegetable seed.

(3) The sale must be to the final consumer, and the information that would have been required on a package of that seed must be displayed near the point of sale.