
SCHEDULEThe General Pharmaceutical Council (Statutory Committees and their Advisers) Rules 2010

PART 4Appointment and Removal of Statutory Committee Members

Required competencies for members of statutory committees

9.—(1) The Appointments Committee is to advise the Council on the minimum competencies it considers are required for appointment as a chair, deputy chair or other member of a statutory committee.

(2) The Council is to determine the minimum competencies required for appointment as a chair, deputy chair or other member of a statutory committee.

(3) In giving advice as provided for in paragraph (1), the Appointments Committee is to have regard to best practice on competencies required for membership of quasi-judicial committees, as disseminated by the Judicial Studies Board or the CHRE (or any successor bodies)(1).

(4) No person may be appointed as a chair, deputy chair or other member of a statutory committee unless that person possesses, or has demonstrated the ability to acquire within a reasonable period of time (as determined by the Appointments Committee), the minimum competencies determined by the Council.


The current guidance issued by the Judicial Studies Board entitled “Tribunal Competencies - Qualities and Abilities in Action “ is available at www.judiciary.gov.uk/publications-and-reports.