
Statutory Instruments

2009 No. 357

Banks And Banking, England And Wales


The Bank Administration (England and Wales) Rules 2009


23rd February 2009

Laid before Parliament

24th February 2009

Coming into force

25th February 2009

The Lord Chancellor makes the following Rules in the exercise of powers under section 411(1B)(a), (2), (2D) and (3) of the Insolvency Act 1986(1)

The Treasury concur in the making of the Rules.

The Chancellor of the High Court (by the authority of the Lord Chief Justice under section 411(7) of the Insolvency Act 1986) concurs in the making of the Rules in so far as they affect court procedure.

The Lord Chancellor has not consulted the Committee existing for the purposes of section 413 of the Insolvency Act 1986: this is the first exercise of the power in section 411 of that Act as amended by section 160 of the Banking Act 2009(2), and is therefore excluded from the requirement to consult by section 160(6) of the 2009 Act.


1986 c. 45; section 411 is amended by section 160 of the Banking Act 2009.