


Qualifying conditions for the maintenance grant

55.—(1) A current system student qualifies in accordance with this regulation for a maintenance grant in connection with his attendance on a designated course.

(2) A current system student does not qualify for a maintenance grant if he qualifies for a special support grant.

(3) If a current system student does not qualify for a fee loan in respect of an academic year of the designated course, he cannot qualify for a maintenance grant for that year unless the reason that he does not qualify for a fee loan is that—

(a)the year is an Erasmus year; or

(b)the designated course is an old flexible postgraduate course for the initial training of teachers.

Amount of the maintenance grant – 2008 cohort students

56.—(1) The maximum amount of maintenance grant available to a 2008 cohort student in respect of an academic year is —

(a)in the case of a type 1 teacher training student, £1,417;

(b)in the case of a type 2 teacher training student, £2,835; and

(c)in the case of a 2008 cohort student other than a type 1 or type 2 teacher training student, £2,835.

(2) A type 1 teacher training student who is a 2008 cohort student who qualifies for a maintenance grant in respect of an academic year receives an amount as follows in respect of that year—

(a)where the household income is £25,000 or less, he receives £1,417;

(b)where the household income exceeds £25,000 but does not exceed £34,450, he receives an amount equal to where—

M is £1,417

A is £1 for every complete £6 by which the household income exceeds £25,000; and

(c)where the household income exceeds £34,450 or he opts when applying for the grant not to provide the information needed to calculate the household income, he receives £630.

(3) A type 2 teacher training student who is a 2008 cohort student who qualifies for a maintenance grant in respect of an academic year receives an amount as follows in respect of that year —

(a)where the household income is £25,000 or less, he receives £2,835;

(b)where the household income exceeds £25,000 but does not exceed £34,450, he receives an amount equal to where—

M is £2,835

A is £1 for every complete £6 by which the household income exceeds £25,000; and

(c)where the household income exceeds £34,450 or he opts when applying for the grant not to provide the information needed to calculate the household income, he receives £1,260.

(4) A 2008 cohort student other than a type 1 or type 2 teacher training student who qualifies for a maintenance grant in respect of an academic year receives an amount as follows in respect of that year—

(a)where the household income is £25,000 or less, he receives £2,835;

(b)subject to sub-paragraph (c); where the household income exceeds £25,000 but does not exceed £60,005, he receives an amount equal to where—

M is £2,835

A is £1 for every complete £6 by which the household income exceeds £25,000 but does not exceed £34,450

B is £1 for every complete £21.12 by which the household income exceeds £34,450 but does not exceed £60,005; and

(c)where the household income exceeds £60,005, no maintenance grant is payable.

Amount of the maintenance grant – current system students who are not 2008 cohort students

57.—(1) The maximum amount of maintenance grant available to a current system student who is not a 2008 cohort student in respect of an academic year is—

(a)in the case of a type 1 teacher training student, £1,417;

(b)in the case of a type 2 teacher training student, £2,835; and

(c)in the case of a current system student other than a type 1 or type 2 teacher training student, £2,835.

(2) A type 1 teacher training student who is not a 2008 cohort student and who qualifies for a maintenance grant in respect of an academic year receives an amount as follows in respect of that year—

(a)where the household income is £18,360 or less, he receives £1,417;

(b)where the household income exceeds £18,360 but does not exceed £27,810, he receives an amount equal to


M is £1,417

A is £1 for every complete £6 by which the household income exceeds £18,360; and

(c)where the household income exceeds £27,810 or he opts when applying for the grant not to provide the information needed to calculate the household income, he receives £630.

(3) A type 2 teacher training student who is not a 2008 cohort student and who qualifies for a maintenance grant in respect of an academic year receives an amount as follows in respect of that year —

(a)where the household income is £18,360 or less, he receives £2,835;

(b)where the household income exceeds £18,360 but does not exceed £27,810, he receives an amount equal to where—

M is £2,835

A is £1 for every complete £6 by which the household income exceeds £18,360; and

(c)where the household income exceeds £27,810 or he opts when applying for the grant not to provide the information needed to calculate the household income, he receives £1,260.

(4) A current system student other than a 2008 cohort student or a type 1 or type 2 teacher training student who qualifies for a maintenance grant in respect of an academic year receives an amount as follows in respect of that year—

(a)where the household income is £18,360 or less, he receives £2,835;

(b)where the household income exceeds £18,360 but does not exceed £27,810, he receives an amount equal to where—

M is £2,835

A is £1 for every complete £6 by which the household income exceeds £18,360;

(c)where the household income exceeds £27,810 but does not exceed £39,305, he receives an amount equal to where—

RM is £1,260

A is £1 for every complete £9.50 by which the household income exceeds £27,810;

(d)where the household income exceeds £39,305, no maintenance grant is payable.