
Regulations 6 and 21(1)



Reference numberSubstanceRestrictionsConditions of use and warnings which must be printed on the label
Field of application and/or useMaximum authorised concentration in the finished cosmetic productOther limitations and requirements

The substances may be used singly or in combination provided that the sum of the ratios of the levels of each of them in the cosmetic product expressed with reference to the maximum level authorised for each of them does not exceed 1.


Only if the concentration exceeds 0.05%.


These substances may be used singly or in combination provided that the sum of the ratios of the levels of each of them in the cosmetic product expressed with reference to the maximum level authorised for each of them does not exceed 2.


The quantity of sodium, potassium or lithium hydroxide is expressed as weight of sodium hydroxide. In cases of mixtures, the sum should not exceed the limits given in column d.


The concentration of sodium, potassium or lithium hydroxide is expressed as weight of sodium hydroxide. In case of mixtures, the sum should not exceed the limits given in column d.


As a preservative, see Schedule 6, Part 1, entry 3.


Solely for products which might be used for children under three years of age and which remain in prolonged contact with the skin.


As a preservative, see Schedule 6, Part 1, entry 9.


As a preservative, see Schedule 6, Part 1, entry 23.


As a preservative, see Schedule 6, Part 1, entry 8.

Combination Rules


Where a cosmetic product contains two or more substances to which this Combination Rule applies, the concentration in the product of each of those substances shall be such that the sum of the relevant quotients for those substances (as defined in Rule C below) shall not exceed 1.


Where a cosmetic product contains the substances to which this Combination Rule applies, the concentration in the product of each of those substances shall be such that the sum of the relevant quotients for those substances (as defined in Rule C below) shall not exceed 2; but the concentration of each substance shall not in any event exceed the limit specified for those substance in respect of the product in column 4 above.


The relevant quotient for each substance is the actual concentration of the substance in the product divided by the maximum concentration specified for the substance in respect of the product in Column 4 of this Schedule.

1aBoric acid, borates and tetraborates with the exception of N,N-dimethyl anilium tatrakis(pentafluorophenyl)borate(a) Talc(a) 5% (by mass/mass as boric acid)(a) 1. Not to be used in products for children under 3 years of age(a) 1. Not to be used for children under 3 years of age
2. Not to be used on peeling or irritated skin if the concentration of free soluble borates exceeds 1.5% (by mass/mass as boric acid)2. Not to be used on peeling or irritated skin
(b) Products for all hygiene(b) 0,1 % (by mass/mass as boric acid)(b) 1. Not to be used in products for children under 3 years of age(b) 1. Not to be swallowed
2. Not to be used for children under 3 years of age
(c) Other products (excluding bath products and hair waving products)(c) 3% (by mass//mass as boric acid)(c) 1. Not to be used in products for children under 3 years of age(c) 1. Not to be used for children under 3 years of age
2. Not to be used on peeling or irritated skin if the concentration of free soluble borates exceeds 1.5% (by mass/mass as boric acid)2. Not to be used on peeling or irritated skin
1bTetraborates(a) Bath products(a) 18% (by mass/mass as boric acid)(a) Not to be used in products for children under 3 years of age(a) Not to be used for bathing children under 3 years of age
(b) Hair waving products(b) 8% (by mass/mass as boric acid)(b) Rinse well
2aThioglycollic acid and its salts(a) Hair waving or straightening products:(a) (b) (c): The directions must obligatorily incorporate the following sentences:(a):
— general use— 8% ready for use pH 7 to 9.5— Contains thioglycolate
— professional use— 11% ready for use pH 7 to 9.5— Follow the instructions
(b) Depilatories— 5% ready for use pH 7 to 12.7— Avoid contact with eyes—Keep out of reach of children
(c) Other hair-care products which are removed after application— 2% ready for use pH to 9.5— In the event of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice— For professional use only (b) and (c):
The abovementioned percentages are calculated as thioglycollic acid— Contains thioglycolate
— Follow the instructions
— Wear suitable gloves ((a) and (c) only)— Keep out of each of children
2bThioglycollic acid estersHair waving or straightening products:The directions for use must obligatorily incorporate the following sentences:— Contains thioglycolate
— Follow the instructions
— Keep out of reach of children
— For professional use only
— general use— 8% ready for use pH 6 to 9.5

— may cause sensitisation

— In the event of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice

— professional use— 11% ready for use pH 6 to 9.5— Avoid contact with eyes— For professional use only
The abovementioned % are calculated as thioglycollic acid— Wear suitable gloves
3Oxalic acid, its esters and alkaline saltsHair care products5%For professional use only
4Ammonia6% calculated as ammonia (NH3)Above 2%: contains ammonia
5Tosylchloramide sodium (INN)0.2%
6Chlorates of alkali metals(a) Toothpaste(a) 5%
(b) Other uses(b) 3%
7Dichloromethane35%0.2% as maximum impurity content
8p-Phenylenediamine, its N-substituted derivatives and its salts; N-substituted derivatives of o-Phenylenediamine(1), with the exception of those derivatives listed elsewhere in this Schedule and under reference numbers 364, 1309,1311 and 1312 in Schedule 3Oxidizing colouring agents for hair dyeing6% calculated as free base, subject to the provisions of “Combination Rule A” at the end of this schedule.
(a) general use(a) Can cause allergic reaction. Contains phenylenediamines. Do not use to dye eye lashes or eyebrows
(b) professional use(b) For professional use only. Contains phenylenediamines. Can cause an allergic reaction. Wear suitable gloves.
9Methylphenylene-diamines, their N-substituted derivatives and their salts(1) with the exception of substances numbers 364, 1310 and 1313 in Schedule 3.Oxidizing colouring agents for hair dyeing10% calculated as free base, subject to the provisions of “Combination Rule A” at the end of this schedule.
(a) general use(a) Can cause an allergic reaction. Contains phenylenediamines. Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows.
(b) professional use(b) For professional use only. Contains phenylenediamines. Can cause an allergic reaction. Wear suitable gloves.
10Diaminophenols(1)Oxidizing colouring agents for hair dyeing10% calculated as free base, subject to the provisions of “Combination Rule A”
(a) general use(a) Can cause an allergic reaction. Contains diaminophenols. Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows.
(b) professional use(b) For professional use only. Contains diaminophenols. Can cause allergic reaction. Wear suitable gloves.
11Dichlorophen (INN)0.5%Contains dichlorophen
12Hydrogen peroxide, and other compounds or mixture that release hydrogen peroxide, including carbamide peroxide and zinc peroxide(a) hair-care preparations12% of H2O2 (40 volumes), present or releasedWear suitable gloves
(b) Skin-care preparations4% of H2O2, present or released
(c) Nail hardening preparations2% of H2O2 present or released(a) (b) (c): Contains hydrogen peroxide.
(d) Oral hygiene products0.1% of H2O2, present or releasedAvoid contact with eyes.
Rinse immediately if product comes into contact with them
13FormaldehydeNail hardeners5% calculated as formaldehydeProtect cuticles with grease or oil. Contains formaldehyde(2)
14Hydroquinone (3)(a) Oxidising colouring agent for hair-dying:0.3%, subject to the provisions of “Combination Rule B”(a) 1. — Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows
1. General use— Rinse the eyes immediately if the products comes into contact with them
— contains hydroquinone
2. Professional use2. — For professional use only
— Contains hydroquinone
— Rinse the eyes immediately if the product comes into contact with them
(b) Artificial nail systems0.02% (after mixing for use), %, subject to the provisions of “Combination Rule B”Professional use only(b) — For professional use only
— Avoid skin contact
— Read directions for use carefully
15aPotassium or sodium hydroxide(a) Nail cuticle solvent(a) 5% by weight(4)(a) Contains alkali. Avoid contact with eyes. Can cause blindness. Keep out of reach of children
(b) Hair straightener(b)(b)
1. General use1. 2% by weight(4)1. Contains alkali. Avoid contact with eyes. Can cause blindness. Keep out of reach of children
2. Professional use2. 4.5% by weight(4)2. For professional use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Can cause blindness.
(c) pH adjuster(c) Not to exceed pH 12.7(c) Keep out of each of children. Avoid contact with eyes
      — depilatories
(d) Other uses as pH adjuster(d) Not to exceed pH 11
15bLithium hydroxide(a) Hair straighteners(a)(a)
1. General use1. 2%(5) by weight1. Contains alkali
Avoid contact with eyes
Can cause blindness
Keep out of each of children
2. Professional use2. 4.5%(6) by weight

2. For professional use only

Avoid contact with eyes

Can cause blindness

(b) pH adjuster – for depilatories(b) pH value not to exceed pH 12.7(b) Contains alkali
Keep out of reach of children
Avoid contact with eyes
(c) Other uses – as pH adjuster (for rinse-off products only)(c) pH value not to exceed pH 11
15cCalcium hydroxide(a) Hair straighteners containing two components: calcium hydroxide and a guanidine salt(a) 7% by weight of calcium hydroxide(a) Contains alkali
Avoid contact with eyes
Keep out of reach of children
Can cause blindness
(b) pH adjuster – for depilatories(b) pH value not to exceed pH 12.7(b) Contains alkali
Keep out of reach of children
Avoid contact with eyes
(c) Other uses (e.g. pH adjuster, processing aid)(c) pH value not to exceed pH 11
161-Naphthol (CAS No 90-15-3) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%Can cause allergic reaction
17Sodium nitriteRust inhibitor0.2%Do not use with secondary and/or tertiary amines or other substances forming nitrosamines
18NitromethaneRust inhibitor0.3%
21Quinine and its salts(a) Shampoos(a) 0.5% calculated as quinine base
(b) Hair lotions(b) 0.2% calculated as quinine base
22Resorcinol(3)(a) Oxidizing colouring agent for hair dyeing(a) 5%(a)
1. general use1. Contains resorcinol. Rinse hair well after application. Do not use to dye eyelashes or eyebrows.
Rinse eyes immediately if product comes into contact with them
2. professional use2. For professional use only. Contains resorcinol.
Rinse eyes immediately if product comes into contact with them
(b) hair lotions and shampoos(b) 0.5%(b) Contains resorcinol
23(a) Alkali sulfides(a) Depilatories(a) 2% calculated as sulphur(a) pH value not to exceed 12.7(a) Keep out of reach of children.
Avoid contact with eyes
(b) Alkaline earth sulfides(2) (see Schedule 5, Part 1)(b) Depilatories(b) 6% calculated as sulphur(b) pH value not to exceed 12.7(b) Keep out of reach of children.
Avoid contact with eyes
24Water-soluble zinc salts with the exception of zinc 4-hydroxy-benzenesulfonate and zinc pyrithione1% calculated as zinc
25Zinc 4-hydroxybenzene sulfonateDeodorants, antiperspirants and astringent lotions6% calculated as a percentage of anhydrous substanceAvoid contact with eyes
26Sodium monofluorophosphateOral hygiene products0.15 % calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15 %Contains ammonium monofluorophosphate
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
27Sodium monofluorophosphateOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains sodium monofluorophosphate
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
28Potassium monofluorophosphateOral Hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains potassium monofluorophosphate
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19thMarch 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
29Contains Calcium monofluorophosphateOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Calcium monofluorophosphate
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
30Calcium FluorideOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains calcium fluoride
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th January 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
31Sodium fluorideOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains Sodium fluoride
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
32Potassium fluorideOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains potassium fluoride
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
33Ammonium fluorideOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains ammonium fluoride
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
34Aluminium fluorideOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains aluminium fluoride
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
35Stannous fluorideOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains stannous fluoride
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
36Hexadecyl ammonium fluorideOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains hexadecyl ammonium fluoride
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
373-(N-Hexadecyl-N-2-hydroxyethylammonio) propylbis (2-hydroxyethyl) ammoniumdifluorideOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains 3-(N-Hexadecyl-N-2-hydroxyethylammonio) propylbis (2-hydroxyethyl) ammoniumdifluoride
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
38NNN’-Tris(polyoxyethylene)-N-hexadecylpropylene-diamine dihydrofluorideOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains NNN’-Tris(polyoxyethylene)-N-hexadecylpropylene-diamine dihydrofluoride
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
39Octadecenyl-ammonium fluorideOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains octadecenyl-ammonium fluoride
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th | March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
40Sodium fluorosilicateOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains sodium fluorosilicate
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March `2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
41Potassium fluorosilicateOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains potassium fluorosilicate
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
42Ammonium fluorosilicateOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains ammonium fluorosilicate
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
43Magnesium fluorosilicateOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%Contains magnesium fluorosilicate
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
441,3-Bis (hydroxymethyl)imidazolidine-2-thione(a) Hair-care preparations(a) Up to 2%(a) Prohibited in aerosol dispensers (sprays)Contains 1,3-bis (hydroxymethyl)imidazolidine-2-thione
(b) Nail-care preparations(b) Up to 2%(b) The pH of the product as applied must be less than 4
45Benzyl alcoholSolvents, perfumes and flavourings
466-methylcoumarinOral hygiene products0.003%
47Nicomethanol hydrofluorideOral hygiene products0.15% calculated as FContains nicomethanol hydrofluoride
When mixed with other fluorine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
48Silver nitrateSolely for products intended for colouring eyelashes and eyebrows4%— Contains silver nitrate
— Rinse the eyes immediately if product comes into contact with them
49Selenium disulfideAntidandruff shampoos1%— Contains selenium disulphide
— Avoid contact with eyes or damaged skin
50Aluminium zirconium chloride hydroxide complexes AlxZr(OH)yClz and the aluminium zirconium chloride hydroxide glycine complexesAntiperspirants20% as anhydrous aluminium zirconium chloride hydroxide 5.4% as zirconium1. The ratio of the number of aluminium atoms to that of zirconium atoms must be between two and 10Do not apply to irritated or damaged skin
2. The ratio of the number of (Al + Zr) atoms to that of chlorine atoms must be between 0.9 and 2.1
3. Prohibited in aerosol dispensers (sprays)
51Quinolin-8-ol and bis (8-hydroxy-quinolium) sulphateStabilizer for hydrogen peroxide in rinse-off hair-care preparations0.3 % calculated as base
Stabilizer for hydrogen peroxide in non-rinse-off hair-care preparations0.03 % calculated as base
52MethanolDenaturant for ethanol and isopropyl alcohol5 % calculated as a percentage of ethanol and isopropyl alcohol
53Etidronic acid and its salts (1-hydroxyethylidene-di-phosphonic acid and its salts)(a) Hair-care1.5% expressed as etidronic acid
(b) Soap0.2% expressed as etidronic acid
541-Phenoxy-propan-2-olRinse-off products only2%Prohibited in oral hygiene products
As a preservative, see Schedule 6, Part I, No 43
56Magnesium fluorideDental hygiene products0.15% calculated as F. When mixed with other flourine compounds permitted under this Schedule, total F concentration must not exceed 0.15%.Contains magnesium fluoride
For any toothpaste containing 0.1 to 0.15% fluoride unless it is already labelled as contra-indicated for children (e.g. “for adult use only”) the following labelling is obligatory from 19th March 2009:
“Children of 6 years and younger: use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimise swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.”
57Strontium chloride hexahydrate(a) Toothpaste3.5% calculated as strontium. When mixed with other permitted strontium products the total strontium content must not exceed 3,5 %Contains strontium chloride. Frequent use by children is not advisable
(b) Shampoo and face care products2,1 %, calculated as strontium. When mixed with other permitted strontium products the total strontium content must not exceed 2,1 %
58Strontium acetate hemihydrateToothpaste3.5% calculated as strontium. When mixed with other permitted strontium products the total strontium content must not exceed 3,5 %Contains strontium acetate. Frequent use by children is not advisable
59Talc: Hydrated magnesium silicate(a) Powdery products intended to be used for children under three years of ageKeep powder away from children’s nose and mouth
(b) other products
60Fatty acid dialkylamides and dialkanolamidesMaximum secondary amine content: 0.5%— Do not use with nitrosating systems
— Maximum secondary amine content: 5% (applies to raw materials)
— Maximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kg
— Keep in nitrite-free containers
61Monoalkylamines, monoalkanolamines and their saltsMaximum secondary amine content: 0.5%— Do not use with nitrosating systems
— Minimum purity: 99 %
— Maximum secondary amine content: 0,5 % (applies to raw materials)
— Maximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kg
— Keep in nitrite-free containers
62Trialkylamines, trialkanolamines and their salts(a) Non-rinse-off products(a) 2.5%(a) (b)
(b) Other products— Do not use with nitrosating systems
— Minimum purity: 99%
— Maximum secondary amine content: 0.5% (applies to raw materials)
— Maximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kg
— Keep in nitrite-free containers
63Strontium hydroxidepH-regulator in depilatory products3.5% calculated as strontiumpH value not to exceed 12.7— Keep out of reach of children
— Avoid contact with the eyes
64Strontium peroxideRinse-off hair care preparations professional use4.5 % calculated as strontium in the ready-for-use preparationAll products must meet the hydrogen peroxide release requirements— Avoid contact with eyes
— Rinse eyes immediately if product comes into contact with them
— For professional use only
— Wear suitable gloves
65Benzalkonium Chloride, bromide and saccharinate(a) Rinse-off hair (head) care products(a) 3% (as benzalkonium chloride(a) In the final products the concentrations of benzalkonium chloride, bromide and saccharinate with an alkyl chain of C14, or less must not exceed 0,1 % (as benzalkonium chloride)(a) Avoid contact with the eyes
(b) Other products(b) 0.1% (as benzalkonium chloride)(b) Avoid contact with the eyes
66Polyacrylamides(a) Body-care leave-on products(a) Maximum residual acrylamide content 0.1 mg/kg
(b) Other cosmetic products(b) Maximum residual acrylamide content 0.1kg/mg
67Amyl cinnamal (CAS No 122-40-7)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
68Benzyl alcohol (CAS No 100-51-6)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
69Cinnamyl alcohol (CAS No 104-54-1)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
70Citral (CAS No 5392-40-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
71Eugenol (CAS No 97-53-0)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
72Hydroxy-citronellal (CAS No 107-75-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
73Isoeugenol (CAS No 97-54-1)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
74Amyl cinnamyl alcohol (CAS No 101-85-9)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
75Benzyl salicylate (CAS No 118-58-1)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
76Cinnamal (CAS No 104-55-2)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
77Coumarin (CAS No 91-64-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
78Geraniol (CAS No 106-24-1)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
79Hydroxy-methylpentylcyclohexenecarboxaldehyde (CAS No 31906-04-4)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
80Anisyl alcohol (CAS No 105-13-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
81Benzyl cinnamate (CAS No 103-41-3)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
82Farnesol (CAS No 4602-84-0)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
832-(4-tert-Butylbenzyl) propionaldehyde (CAS No 80-54-6)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
84Linalool (CAS No 78-70-6)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
85Benzyl benzoate (CAS No 120-51-4)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
86Citronellol (CAS No 106-22-9)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
87Hexylcinnam-aldehyde (CAS No 101-86-0)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
88d-Limonene (CAS No 5989-27-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
89Methyl heptin carbonate (CAS No 111-12-6)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
903-Methyl-4-(2,6,6-tri-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)-3-buten-2-one (CAS No 127-51-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
91Oak moss extract (CAS No 90028-68-5)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products
92Tree moss extract (CAS No 90028-67-4)The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in regulation 12 when its concentration exceeds
— 0.001% in leave-on products
— 0.01% in rinse-off products


(CAS No 74638-76-9)

Hair care formulations1.5%
94Benzoyl peroxideArtificial nail systems0.7% (after mixing)Professional use only— For professional use only
— Avoid skin contact
— Read directions for use carefully
95Hydroquinone methyletherArtificial nail systems0.02% (after mixing)Professional use only— For professional use only
— Avoid skin contact
— Read directions for use carefully
96Musk xylene (CAS No 81-15-2)All cosmetic products, with the exception of oral care products(a) 1.0% in fine fragrance
(b) 0.4% in eau de toilette
(c) 0.03% in other products
97Musk ketone (CAS No 81-14-1)All cosmetic products, with the exception of oral care products(a) 1.4% in fine fragrance
(b) 0.56% in eau de toilette
(c) 0.042% in other products
98Salicylic acid(6)(a) Rinse-off hair products(a) 3.0%Not to be used in preparations for children under three years of age, except for shampoos.Not to be used for children under three years of age(7)
(b) Other products(b) 2.0%For purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product.
This purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product.
99Inorganic sulfites and bisulfites(8)(a) Oxidative hair dye products(a) 0.67% (expressed as free SO2)For purpose other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product.
(b) Hair straightening products(b) 6.7% (expressed as free SO2)
(c) Self tanning products for the face(c) 0.45% (expressed as free SO2)This purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product.
(d) Other self tanning products(d) 0.40% (expressed as free SO2)


(CAS No 101-20-2)

Rinse-off products1.5%

Purity criteria:

3,3’,4,4’-Tetrachloroazobenzene ≤=1ppm: 3,3’,4,4’- Tetrachloroazoxybenzene ≤=1ppm

For purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product.
This purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product.

Zinc pyrithione(10)

(CAS No 13463-41-7)

Leave-on hair products0.1%For purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product.
This purpose has to be apparent from the presentation of the product.


Reference numberSubstanceField of application and/or useMaximum authorised concentration in the finished cosmetic productOther limitations and requirementsConditions of use and warnings which must be printed on the labelAllowed until
34-Amino-3-nitrophenol (CAS No 610-81-1) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 3.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.5%(a) (b) Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 3.0%
42,7-Naphthalenediol (CAS No 582-17-2) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing1.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0.5%31.12.2009
5m-Aminophenol (CAS No 591-27-5) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
62,6-Dihydroxy-3-4-dimethylpyridine (CAS No 84540-47-6 and its salts)Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
74-Hydroxypropy-lamino-3-nitrophenol (CAS No 92952-81-3) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 5.2%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 2.6%(a) (b) Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 2.6%
9HC Blue No 11 (CAS No 23920-15-2) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 3.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.5%(a) (b) Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 2.0%
10Hydroxyethyl-2-nitro-p-toluidine (CAS No 100418-33-5) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%(a) (b) Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 1.0%
112-Hydroxyethyl-picramic acid (CAS No 99610-72-7) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 3.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.5%(a) (b) Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 2.0%
12p-Methylamino-phenol (CAS No 150-75-4) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.5%Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
14HC Violet No 2 CAS No 104226-19-9) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%31.12.2009
16HC Blue No 12 (CAS No 104516-93-0) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 1.5%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0.75%(a) (b) Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 1.5%
181,3-Bis-(2,4-diaminophenoxy) propane (CAS No 81892-72-0) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
193-Amino-2,4-dichlorophenol (CAS No 61693-43-4) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
20Phenyl methyl pyrazolone (CAS No 89-25-8) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing0.5%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0.25%31.12.2009
212-Methyl-5-hydroxyethylaminophenol (CAS No 55302-96-0) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
22Hydroxybenzo-morpholine (CAS No 26021-57-8) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
24HC Yellow No 10 (CAS No 109023-83-8) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing0.2%31.12.2009
252,6-Dimethoxy-3,5-pyridinediamine (CAS No 85679-78-3) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing0.5%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0.25%Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
26HC Orange No 2 (CAS No 85765-48-6) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing1.0%31.12.2009
27HC Violet No 1 (CAS No 82576-75-8) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 0.5%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0.25%31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 0.5%
283-Methylamino-4-nitrophenoxyethanol (CAS No 59820-63-2) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing1.0%31.12.2009
292-Hydroxy-ethylamino-5-nitro-anisole (CAS No 66095-81-6) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing1.0%31.12.2009
31HC Red No 13 (CAS No 94158-13-1) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 2.5%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.25%31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 2.5%
321,5-Naphthalenediol (CAS No 83-56-7) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing1.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0.5%31.12.2009
33Hydroxypropyl bis (N-hydroxyethyl-p-phenylenediamine) (CAS No 128729-30-6) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.5%Can cause allergic reaction31.12.2009
34o-Aminophenol (CAS No 95-55-6) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%31.12.2009
354-Amino-2-hydroxytoluene (CAS No 2835-95-2) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.5%31.12.2009
362,4-Diaminophen-oxyethanol (CAS No 66422- 95-5) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing4.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 2.0%31.12.2009
372-Methylresorcinol (CAS No 608-25-3) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%31.12.2009
384-Amino-m-cresol (CAS No 2835-99-6) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.5%31.12.2009
392-Amino-4-hydroxyethylaminoanisole (CAS No 83763-47-7) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.5%31.12.2009
44Hydroxyethyl-3,4-methylene-dioxyaniline(CAS No 81329-90-0) and its saltsOxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing3.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.5%31.12.2009
47HC Blue No 2 (CAS No 33229-34-4) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.8%31.12.2009
483-Nitro-p-hydroxyethyla-minophenol (CAS No 65235-31-6) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 6.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 3.0%31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 6.0%
494-Nitrophenyl aminoethylurea (CAS No 27080-42-8) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 0.5%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0.25%31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 0.5%
50HC Red No 10 + HC Red No 11 (CAS No 95576-89-9+ 95576-92-4) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 1.0%
552-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-nitrophenol (CAS No 131657-78-8) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 3.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.5%31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 3.0%
562-Amino-6-chloro-4-nitrophenol (CAS No 6358-09-4) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 2.0%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 1.0%31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 2.0%
57Basic Blue 26 (CAS No 2580-56-5) (CI 44045) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 0.5%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0.25%31.12.2009
(b) Non-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 0.5%
58Acid Red 33 (CAS No 3567-66-6) (CI 17200) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%31.12.2009
59Ponceau SX (CAS No 4548-53-2) (CI 14700) and its saltsNon-oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing2.0%31.12.2009
60Basic Violet 14 (CAS No 632-99-5) (CI 42510) and its salts(a) Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(a) 0.3%In combination with hydrogen peroxide the maximum use concentration upon application is 0.15%31.12.2009
(b) Non- Oxidising colouring agents for hair dyeing(b) 0.3%