
Payments by the Training and Development Agency for Schools

7.—(1) It shall be lawful for the Training and Development Agency for Schools(1) to adopt rules of eligibility for awards by any training provider to which it makes grants, loans or other payments under section 78 of the 2005 Act which confine eligibility to those persons who fall within Schedule 1.

(2) It shall be lawful for a training provider who is receiving financial support under section 78 of the 2005 Act to adopt rules of eligibility for awards which confine eligibility to those persons who fall within Schedule 1.


The Teacher Training Agency was established under section 1 of the Education Act 1994 and under section 74 of the Education Act 2005, its name was changed to the Training and Development Agency for Schools. Under section 78 of the Education Act 2005 the Training and Development Agency for Schools may provide financial support to any person it thinks fit in furtherance of its objectives.