The National Health Service (Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2005

Information to be supplied

This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

34.—(1) A pharmacist shall give notice to the Primary Care Trust within 28 days (or if this is impracticable, as soon as practicable thereafter) of—

(a)any occurrence requiring a change in the information recorded about him in the pharmaceutical list which he has not otherwise notified to him in accordance with these Regulations;

(b)in the case of a pharmacist who is an individual, any change of his private address;

(c)in the case of a pharmacist that is a body corporate, any change to the address of his registered office; and

(d)any occurrence requiring his addition to or removal from the ETP list or a change in the information recorded about him in that list.

(2) A pharmacist shall give the Primary Care Trust, if it so requests, the name of any pharmacist employed by him who is responsible for dispensing a particular prescription.

(3) Subject to sub-paragraph (7), a pharmacist that is a body corporate shall (if he is on a pharmaceutical list on 1st April 2005, by 3rd October 2005) supply to his Primary Care Trust in writing the name and address of each of his directors and superintendent, and any changes to the names and addresses of each of its directors and superintendent.

(4) Subject to sub-paragraph (7), if a pharmacist or the director or the superintendent of a pharmacist that is a body corporate is himself on, or is a director or superintendent of a body corporate which is on, another NHS performers or providers list (that is, on a list other than the pharmaceutical list referred to in sub-paragraph (1)), that person shall supply in writing to the Primary Care Trust—

(a)if he is a director or superintendent of a body corporate, the name and registered office of the body corporate on the other NHS performers or providers list; and

(b)particulars of the other NHS performers or providers list.

(5) Subject to sub-paragraph (7), if a pharmacist or the director or superintendent of a pharmacist that is a body corporate has himself in the five years prior to 1st April 2005 been on, or has in the five years prior to 1st April 2005 been the director or superintendent of a body corporate which was when he was a director or superintendent on, another NHS performers or providers list (that is, on a list other than the pharmaceutical list referred to in sub-paragraph (1)), that person shall supply in writing to the Primary Care Trust—

(a)the name and registered office of the body corporate on the other NHS performers or providers list; and

(b)particulars of the NHS performers or providers list,

unless that information has already been supplied pursuant to sub-paragraph (4).

(6) Subject to sub-paragraph (7), a pharmacist or the director or superintendent of a pharmacist that is a body corporate shall inform the Primary Care Trust—

(a)if he, or a body corporate of which he is a director or superintendent, applies to be included in any of another Primary Care Trust’s NHS performers or providers lists, and of the outcome of any such application; and

(b)if he becomes a director or superintendent of a body corporate which is on any of another Primary Care Trust’s NHS performers or providers lists, or which applies to be included in such a list, and the outcome of any such application.

(7) Where a pharmacist is a body corporate with a registered office in England, the information to be provided under sub-paragraphs (3) to (6) may be provided only to the Primary Care Trust in which that registered office is located, if the pharmacist also provides that Primary Care Trust with details of all the other Primary Care Trusts in whose pharmaceutical lists it is included, and in these circumstances that Primary Care Trust shall pass the information on to any other Primary Care Trust—

(a)in whose pharmaceutical list the pharmacist is included; or

(b)to whom the pharmacist makes an application to be included in its pharmaceutical list,

that requests it.

(8) In this paragraph, “NHS performers or providers list” means—

(a)a pharmaceutical list; or

(b)any other list.