
PART 5Provision of Pharmaceutical Services by Doctors

Dispensing doctor lists

68.—(1) A Primary Care Trust shall prepare, maintain and publish a list, to be called the dispensing doctor list, of the names of those doctors authorised or required by the Primary Care Trust under regulation 60 to provide pharmaceutical services to their patients and who are actually doing so.

(2) The dispensing doctor list shall indicate the name and address of the relevant GMS contractor, PMS contractor or APMS contractor from whose premises any doctor whose name is included in that list performs primary medical services.

(3) Where the doctor whose name is included in the dispensing doctor list provides primary medical services within a PCTMS practice, the list shall give the name and address of the Primary Care Trust.

(4) The dispensing doctor list shall, in addition to the information required under paragraphs (2) and (3)—

(a)include the premises in relation to which the doctor has premises approval;

(b)state in relation to each premises included—

(i)if premises approval is deemed, temporary or residual, that this is the case,

(ii)the date on which premises approval took effect or where it has not taken effect the date that it was finally granted,

(c)state the area in relation to which there is outline consent and premises approval; and

(d)include and identify separately, any premises in relation to which the doctor has outstanding applications for premises approval.