
PART 2Pharmaceutical Lists and Applications for Admission to a Pharmaceutical List

New one-stop primary care centres

16.—(1) For the purposes of these Regulations, premises are in a new one-stop primary care centre if they are in a one-stop primary care centre which a Primary Care Trust on or after 1st April 2005 has for the first time included in its strategic service development plan (or if it has no such plan, in a written plan that achieves the same purpose as a strategic service development plan), at which on or after 1st April 2005—

(a)the services of health care professionals will be provided for the first time; or

(b)as a consequence of substantial new development or redevelopment, the services of a broad range of health care professionals will be provided for the first time.

(2) For the purposes of these Regulations, premises are a “one-stop primary care centre” if they are in a discrete site or building—

(a)at which the services of a broad range of health care professionals is, or will be, regularly and frequently provided (together, where appropriate, with other health or social services);

(b)at which there is, or will be, a provider of primary medical services with a patient list which comprises at least 18,000 patients; and

(c)which is under the management or control of a consortium, and for these purposes a “consortium” is an association of persons or undertakings carrying on a business together with—

(i)a single management and equity structure, and

(ii)agreed written articles of association which commit them to running a one-stop primary care centre.

(3) In determining whether the requirements of paragraph (2)(a) are met, a Primary Care Trust shall have regard to the range and number of health care professionals (apart from those who are, or who are engaged or employed by, other chemists) who are available to provide services within its area.